Chapter 40 - Good Vibrations 🙊

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The place looked totally different on the inside, still shady but a lot nicer than I had expected. We walked in and sat at a table in the middle of the room. It was a round table and the three of us sat evenly spaced out.

I wasn't too sure what to do at the point, so I sat down and crossed my legs praying that Dabi didn't really know what that remote was for.

Giran took a seat and placed a bag on the table. "So these are the samples you asked for. It was actually pretty hard for me to get my hands on that material you were after." He said passing the bag over.

I was interested in what Dabi was getting from this Giran guy, considering Dabi never shows interest in anything.

"So your the Enchantress, It's a pleasure to meet you. Your more beautiful than I had imagined." He said with a seedy grin.

I'm still not comfortable with people calling me enchantress....

I gave him a smile. "Oh please call me ..." before I could finish I suddenly felt a pleasurable sensation coming from my core. "(F/N)!!" I yelled in a high pitched voice while slamming my hand down on the table.

I made a huge noise and the room fell silent and turned to us.

"Rightttt sorry, (F/N)." Giran said clearly nervous from my sudden outburst.

I quickly looked over at Dabi who had a smirk plastered on his face while his hand was in his pocket.

Luckily it was just a pulse of a vibration and I quickly shock it off.

"Well, here (F/N)." Giran said handing me something from inside the bag.

It was a pair of black Lycra pants and a leather jacket. I held them up and looked at them, they seemed to be my size.

"Sorry if they aren't the right size, Dabi had to describe ya figure to me. They are fireproof clothes, and a coat and pants for yourself Dabi." Giran said lighting up a cigarette.

Excuse me... Describe my figure??? Why not just look at what size my clothes are... seedy fucks..

"Geez Dabi Your really punching with this chick." Giran said locking eyes with me.

"Gotta agree with you there." I said confidently with a wink.

Dabi chuckled and shock his head.

I looked at the clothes. "Okay thanks, but I'm not the one with the fire quirk?" I said slightly confused. "Wait, your not gonna go testing your quirk on me are ya?" I asked giving Dabi some side eye.

He let out an annoyed groan. "Your so dense, it's so I don't burn you alive." He said grabbing his own gear and placing it next to him.

"Oh how thoughtful..." I said folding the clothes and placing them to the side.

Hey, at least he was kinda thinking of me... like not burning me alive.... right...

"Gotta admit Dabi I never picked you as the kind of guy to settle with just the one chick." Giran said taking a puff of his smoke.

I'm right here ya know .... and wait can you even smoke in here??

Dabi shrugged and looked at me. "She's different." He smirked.

"Yeah, like ...." I said before I felt the vibrator inside me go off again. This time it continued to buzz at a slow pace. "Ahhhhh." I bucked over and laid my chest onto the table.

Ahhh fuck this feels soooo good.... I need to go to the bathroom and take it out....

"Please excuse me, I'll be back." I said quickly standing up while the vibrator continued to go off.

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