Chapter 24 - You + Me + Her = 🍋

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For some reason the thought of sharing Dabi kinda made me a bit jealous. I hadn't seen him with another girl before and let's be honest Stacy looked stunning.

Stacy grabbed my shirt and skirt picking them up as she stood. I hopped off Dabi as he got up but stayed close to him so less people would see me in my lingerie.

Stacy walked into one of the rooms and held the door open for us. We both followed her in and she closed the door behind us locking it. Dabi had slid into the bench seat and I was about to go follow when I felt a gentle hand grab my waist.

Stacy spun me around and pressed her lips on mine. She tasted sweet like honey and her tongue was smooth as it glided over mine. I moved my hand up to grab her neck resting my thumbs on her cheek. She moved her hands onto my waist and down to my hips playing with the g-string lace.

I moved my arms and hung them over her shoulders feeling her back to find the dress zip. I finally found it and unzipped it letting her dress fall to the floor. She wore a cute light pink bra and panties that matched. I broke from the kiss and looked over at Dabi who was just enjoying the show. His legs were spread open one hand behind his head the other on his dick he had pulled out at some point pumping it slowly.

Okay I'm starting to get nervous about having sex with a girl and watching someone else have sex with Dabi... maybe this is a bit much for me.

Stacy felt my nerves and tilted my head back to hers pulling me in for another kiss. She easily unclipped my bra and slid it off over my shoulders. Her soft hands found their was to my boobs as she started to feel them gently twisting my nipples with her fingers as she went.

I nervously felt down her back to unclip her bra pulling it off without breaking the kiss. I heard Dabi moan as we continued to make out and feel each other's breasts. One of her hands started to travel down and gently touching the lace of my g-string. She ran her fingers over the g-string stopping at my clit.

I let out a little moan into her mouth.

Am I supposed to do this to her? I'm so nervous, it feels like my first time again. Well I suppose it is with a girl...

I reached down to her panties and pulled them to the side so I could feel her opening. She let out a soft moan onto my mouth. Before she could pull my g-string off I felt Dabi press his dick on my ass as his hands grabbed my hips.

His lips pressed on the side of my neck next to my fresh ink as I continued to kiss Stacy. Her hands moved back up to my breasts and continued to feel them. I felt Dabi's rough hands remove my g-string and insert some fingers with haste. He pumped them quickly impatiently trying to get me wet so he could replace them with his dick that was pushing against my ass.

I let out some moans into Stacys mouth again. She ran one of her hands down to mine to help show me what to do with her. She pulled my fingers along her opening and guided them into her. The same time this was happening Dabi had removed his wet fingers from me and replaced it with his dick.

We all jolted forward when he initially thrust into me and I couldn't help but break the kiss to scream with pleasure.

"I'm gonna cum cutie," Stacy said grinding down my my fingers.

I kept up my speed as I felt her finish. She reached down to play with my clit while Dabi fucked me. Each thrust Dabi made I couldn't help but moan out loud. I could feel my legs buckling from the stimulation happening between my legs.

"Oh god!" I cried out. "I'm gonna cum too." I panted.

Stacy continued to feel my clit pushing it slightly in exactly the right spot. Dabi bent me forward more so he could get better depth with his thrusts. I let out a moan and finished on Dabi as he continued to pump inside me. He pulled out and took a step back.

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