Chapter 34 - Another Mistake

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A/N: Okay y'all shits about to go down in these next few chapters for (F/N). I hope your ready for it ... #sorrynotsorry

On a side note... how awesome are Kadearts drawings!


We made our way back to the warehouse and unpacked the boxes. I opened one of them and noticed it was filled with shotguns.

"See Toga," I said picking up one of the guns and holding it in front of me. "This is a shotgun." I said lifting it up and down swiftly cocking the gun in the air.

A shell fell to the floor as I noticed it was already loaded.

"Can I shoot it?" Toga asked running over to me.

"Ehhhh" I hesitated pulling the gun away from her. "These things have a shit ton of recoil. Like it will rip your arms off." I chuckled spinning the gun in my hand.

That's odd this one doesn't look like a fake like the rest...

I studied it closer noticing a small logo engraved on the barrel. I squinted at it to make sure I was seeing it right. I could make out a small snake symbol with some words etched under it.

"Viper Corporation"

Wait that's Dads company... but he doesn't make weapons he owns a marketing company what the hell... should I tell Dabi? Hmmmm... maybe it's a different company...

"Can I at least touch it?" Toga asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, of course." I said quickly handing it over. "Just remember it's loaded, so don't go pulling that trigger... unless you no longer have any use for those little arms of yours." I laughed as I continued to unpack the boxes.

"Why do we need these stupid things anyway?" Toga asked.

This was a question I also had... why do we need these? We all have quirks.

"For some of the people we recruited Toga." Dabi said lugging one of the boxes out of the truck. "Not everyone's got quirks like us."

"Ohh I guess that makes sense." She shrugged handing the gun back to me.

I was about to add it to the pile when the logo caught my eye again. I pulled out the phone Dabi gave me and took a photo of it so I could look into it later.

The rest of the week we continued to stock up what would be the new hideout. The warehouse was huge so I could only assume we had a ton more recruits to bring one day. Behind the warehouse was a building that we would eventually live in. It just looked like a small out of place apartment building.


It was the beginning of a new week and we had just spent the whole day at the new hideout cleaning the place up. I was so exhausted by the time we got back to Dabi's.

I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.... nothing. I did the same to the pantry only to discover that it was also empty.

"Ughhhh I'm soooo hungry but you have nothing to eat!!" I yelled in frustration.

Dabi walked in and leaned on the door. "You can eat this dick." He said thrusting out his crotch.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now