Chapter 90 - I want you to meet someone...

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A/N: Double chapter today! You can all thank LittleMouse_4Dabi for asking so nicely :) enjoy!!


~ 2 Weeks later ~

The phone began to ring and I cleared my throat before I answered it.

"Hello welcome to Valley Lawyers this is Amber." I said answering the phone.

I listened to the customer on the other end.

"Of course, I'll put you through now." I said pressing the hold button and sending the call to my boss.

I hung the phone back up and stared at it, spacing out completely. I did this often. Ever since I lost my memory, I did this a lot. Trying to remember. Remember something... anything.

"Amber! Earth to amber!" Brittany said tapping a pen on my desk.

"Shit, sorry." I said quickly correcting myself. "I mean sorry." I said shaking my head.

She chuckled. "It's okay girl, just keeping an eye out for ya. Listen me and a couple of the other girls are hitting the country western bar on Saturday night, cheap drinks. You should totally come." She squealed.

I paused.

"I'll have to check my schedule." I lied giving her a fake smile.

"At least think about it then. Yeah?" She smiled giving me a wave as she left for the day.

I packed up my desk and grabbed my bag. I walked to my bosses office and gave him a wave as I left. I didn't live far from work. A block or two. I always walked straight home, well I mean that's what they told me to do.

I got to my door and unlocked it and walked inside with a sigh. I closed the door behind me and threw my bag on the couch. But then it spoke.

"Ouch!" The couch yelled.

I jumped startled by the sudden noise it made. I grabbed an umbrella I kept next to the door and held it up like a sword.

"Whose there? I have a weapon!" I yelled.

A pair of red wings sprung up from the couch and I let out a sigh.

"For fucks sakes Hawks. Really?" I said letting out an annoyed grunt.

"Hey it's not my fault you left two windows open!" He said leaning over the backrest of the couch to follow where I was going.

"Ughhh don't you have other things to do? Other people on witness protection to annoy?" I chuckled to myself.

That's kind of a lie though, I did enjoy his company when he came over.

When I woke up that day in the hospital I remembered nothing, absolutely nothing. Not my name, who I was, what I did, how old I was absolutely nothing. I asked for my parents when I awoke but I was told that I couldn't see them. At least not yet.

They told me I was attacked, almost died because I looked like some villain called Enchantress. All because I happen to look like her, I mean it's pretty uncanny but she's killed people. I'm not like that. Well I don't think i am. I don't know what I'm like.

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