Chapter 38 - Dabi's Bitch 🍋

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"Cute, but I was looking for something else. Come on is it gonna kill ya to tell me something personal about yourself?" I asked rolling my eyes.

He paused for a moment and looked into my eyes. "Okay, but nothing about my old life."

I went to remove my fingers from inside me when his hand quickly stopped me. He pushed them back in and added one of his own fingers to my other two. I let out a little moan as we continued our intense eye contact.

"That day you went off at your ex, I said you were the best piece of ass I ever had." He said pushing his finger in deeper with mine getting another moan out of me. "I wasn't can I please just fuck you without these 20 question." He asked pulsing our fingers inside me.

Wow that's maybe that nicest thing he's ever said to me.... is that maybe a bit fucked up??

"But your begging's turning me on sooooo much." I said letting out a moan as I said so.

He tilted his head into the water to wet it and pressed his lips to mine. Our tongues immediately found each other and began to play as our lips pressed together. Dabi added another finger inside me filling me up more. I tried to remove mine but his hand was trapping them in.

My other hand was now around the back of Dabi's neck pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. My leg was pulled up even higher as he pressed his body up onto mine.

"I'm not that flexible." I said on his lips trying to push up on my foot that was still touching the ground.

He finally removed his fingers and let my hand go. "Not really my problem babe." He said pulling his lips away from mine and turning his head to kiss down my ankle that was over his shoulder.

His lips sent a shock wave up my leg, there was no way it should feel that good... but somehow it did. My hand that had been inside of me was soaking so I reached down and felt Dabi's dick and started to pump it.

Dabi held onto my leg with one hand and turned the water hotter with the other.

Ughh how does he know exactly what to do to make things feel better!!!

The steam filled the bathroom and only made the moment that much better. I hadn't noticed it but my hand pumping Dabi had gotten a lot quicker. I tried to guide him over to my opening. I managed to run his tip over me when I felt his hand grab onto my throat.

"What do you say babe? I wanna hear some begging from you." He said cockily cracking a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and let go of him. "I was quite happy getting myself off you know."

He ran his hand down my leg again sending pins and needles down to my other leg. He bent down slightly moving his hips so that his dick pressed onto my clit. I went to look down to see how he did that without using his hands but his grip on my throat tightened.

I opened my mouth so I could breath through his grip. I knew it was only going to get tighter as this session went on. He wrapped his arm around my thigh and pulled me onto him as he entered me.

"Ahhh Dabi, take it easy." I said through his grip as he entered me.

"Still not used to my size babe?" He chuckled as he began to bounce me on him.

I couldn't answer him, my head hit back onto the tiles and I let out a pleasurable moan. I had no idea what to do with my arms so I wrapped them around his neck to help pull me up so my leg wasn't as stretched.

"You feel even tighter in this position babe." Dabi said increasing his speed.

My back was slamming into the tiles as the water splashed off us as we moved. This was absolutely turning me on, but I didn't exactly think through the next few words I said.

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