Chapter 55 - Cutting a deal

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A/N: I'm sorry ... Don't hate (F/N) for this...

Also Merry Christmas everyone, here's an extra chapter for you to enjoy 🥰


I stayed up that night plotting Dabi's downfall. I was listening to the most depressing music I could find while I cried my eyes out for the first couple of hours.

I couldn't believe I almost fell for his bullshit... again!!!

Dabi did come to the door a few times to ask how I was and I thought he was going to burn the door down until I just told him I wasn't feeling well through the door. He seemed to leave me alone after that.

What would hurt him the most?... I want to crush him...

The rest of the day seemed to fly by and I had to start getting ready to meet Chase.

How am I supposed to know what club the Fangs own in the city... maybe I'll google it...

To my surprise when I googled club in the city owned by the Fangs a club named The Fangs came up.

"Oh wow, it's actually called the Fangs." I shrugged as I started to look through my clothes.

Maybe Chase was the answer to my Dabi revenge... he did mention just the thought of us alone together the other night killed him... imagine what would happen if I ...

"I'm not sleeping with him just to make Dabi jealous, come on (F/N) get a grip." I said rubbing my forehead.

I should really just confront Dabi and get the answers myself... maybe Toga and Twice heard wrong...

I let out a sigh and picked a boring dress and threw it on the bed when I heard the door knock again. I let out a moan and walked over to it.

"What?" I said angrily expecting it to be Dabi again.

"Hello." I heard a lady's voice reply.

I paused for a moment and unlocked the door and saw Ren standing there.

"Can I help you?" I asked shaking my head absolutely annoyed now.

This bitch...

"Hey, I just wanted to apologise about everything that went down between you, Dabi and I." She said nervously playing with her hands.

"Right. That all?" I said ready to slam the door on the bitches face.

"Well..." she paused.

"Did you fuck him the other night?" The words kinda just came out of my mouth without me even knowing.

Her face went red and she began to trip over her words.

"Well, I mean, it's so hard to live in the same house as him and your not together ... are you?...I mean you've seen how he..." she said stumbling over her words before I slammed the door in her face.

I screamed as the door slammed.

I stormed back over to the clothes I picked out for tonight and threw them against the wall. I went back and looked through my clothes. I wanted to wear the hottest outfit I had.

It was a white dress with a super low cut at the front that went down between my breasts. The back was also a low cut and sat just above my bikini line. It was pretty short and had a cute slit up one of the sides that led up my thigh. I didn't need to wear a bra with it and I decided to put on a cute white g string only because I was super pissed off now.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now