Chapter 27 - Spectators 🍋

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I slid off the door frame and walked into the men's toilets. One guy was peeing in one of the urinals who I completely ignored and another was washing his hands. I suddenly realised this was kinda gross.

Ehhhh maybe I'm not into some rough toilet sex...

I was about to walk into one of the cubicles when I stopped myself and reconsidered my options. Suddenly I felt Dabi push my back forcing me into the cubical and closed the door behind us. It was awkwardly small and I manoeuvred myself so I didn't touch the gross toilet.

Dabi laughed. "What did you expect?" He chuckled seeing I was clearly grossed out by the whole toilet cubical experience.

"Ehhhh I dono, this seemed sexier in my head." I said still looking around the cubical waiting for a cockroach to crawl out to complete the horror I was living right now.

Dabi lifted his leg up and flipped the lid of the toilet down so it was shut.

I scrunched my face up and shook my head. "Nup, not doing it for me."

Dabi let out a sexually frustrated grunt. "I don't really care if it's doin it for ya or not. But I'm doing you." He said pulling me into a kiss.

And just like that I forgot I was standing in a gross male toilet cubical filled with villains about to fuck one. My hands grabbed his cheeks running along the edge of his scars past his ears and locking behind his head between his hair.

He spun us around and pushed me into the locked door aggressively. He pushed one of his legs between mine and pushed it up gently rubbing over my clothed clit. His hands made their way down attempting to remove my skinny jeans. I moved my hands from the back of his neck to help him.

I broke away from the kiss and unbuttoned my pants pulling them down awkwardly due to the lack of room. Dabi unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants and boxers down no more than necessary.

How is that fair. I'm like half naked ...

My pants fell down to my ankles and I stopped undressing. "Your gonna have to deal with this, I'm not taking my boots off." I said firmly.

"How am I supposed to get you leg up here then?" He asked patting his shoulder.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "I'm definitely not that flexible, sorry to ruin that fantasy of yours. And the pants are staying where they are." I chuckled.

"Take em off." He said as I hinted a slight plea in his voice.

I shook my head. "Not a chance." I deadpanned.

He swiftly grabbed my throat and pushed my head back into the door. "I said take em off." He said pressing his face close to mine.

Fuck threats are intimidating... no wonder I get it what I want from them...

He slowly let go of my throat and I crouched down taking my boots off placing them neatly to the side. I was trying not to look at the state of the tiled floor as I did so. I took my pants off and folded them placing them on top of the boots safe from the floor.

I slowly went to get back up and stopped when I saw Dabi's dick almost hitting me in the face. I stayed crouched on the ground without putting my knees on the tiles I grabbed his dick and started to pump it. I looked up at him from the ground and smiled seeing him bite down on his lip with pleasure.

"Yeah get it in!!" Someone in the cubicle yelled next to us banging their hand on the side of our cubical.

I turned my head to the look at the noise when Dabi stopped me grabbing my chin and lining it up with his dick. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue over his shaft to try and make it wet before I shoved it in my mouth. His fingers slid down gently running over my neck as I did so.

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