Chapter 81 - Desire 🍋

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Dabi smirked. "Damn babe, I dono if it's because of the attention you've been getting from Temptress but your really ....."

"Desirable?" I cut him off with a giggle.

I ran my hand across his shoulders and a finger up his neck to his chin. "Thank you for the necklace, it's so beautiful. I'd love to thank you properly."

I pinched his chin and pulled it towards my lips. "If you know what I mean." I said seductively.

"Take us to my place babe. Before I fuck you out here in the open." He said pulling my waist into him.

I closed my eyes and took us to his apartment. He grabbed either side of my face and pulled me into a kiss. Our tongues played as we locked lips. Without breaking the kiss we helped undress each other.

Dabi pushed me back onto his bed and pulled his briefs off. "So did ya kill him?" He asked already puffing slightly.

What a way to ruin a moment...

I moaned. "Really Dabi? Will it turn you on more if I say yes?" I chuckled.

He climbed on top of my naked body and roughly grabbed my neck controlling my jaw with his fingers. "I wanna try something with you."

"I'm not doing anal." I said bluntly.

He rolled his eyes. "It's not anal, that can wait for another day."

I kinda hope it's not a threesome again... I would much rather Dabi all to myself...

He jumped off the bed and walked to his cupboard. I was getting kinda nervous, I really wasn't sure what he was going to do.

"I know you wanted to run this session tonight but I really get off on being in control." He said holding a pair of chunky wrist cuffs attached to a piece of rope.

"Your lucky I find that super hot." I smirked as I sat up on his bed.

"Just give me a second to set this up." He said walking over to the bed frame.

"Yes Mr Grey." I joked.

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "I don't get it."

"Yeah it's okay, I didn't expect you to. Carry on." I smirked as I watched him attach the cuffs to the side of the bed.

"Where would you like me master?" I joked crawling up behind him as he finished securing the cuffs.

I ran my fingers over his bare shoulders and down his back, I made sure to press harder on the burnt parts because I knew he didn't have much feeling in those spots.

"Depends? Did you wanna suck me off before or after I fuck your brains out." He smirked turning his head to me.

Ahhh Dabi you never cease to amaze me with your way with words... yet it always seems to work for me...

I hummed in response as I continued to run my fingers over him. "Well if your letting me choose I would rather blow you now."

He stood up from the bed and took a step back. "Right then, on your knees babe." He said pointing to the ground in front of him.

I knelt down in front of him and ran my tongue along the bottom of his shaft, looking up at him while I did so. He grabbed onto the back of my hair and looked down at me with his glowing eyes.

"Let me guess, you want to control me?" I said reaching up to grab ahold of his shaft to slowly pump it.

I'm feeling like this little controlling kink of his is related to some kind of childhood trauma.... I'm sure he'll tell me one day.... not that I'm complaining... it's hot...

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