Chapter 45 - Self Control

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Dabi was gone and with him gone so was my threat.

"As much as I love just sitting back and listening to your little comedy routine, I'm gonna have to stop you right there." The guy said standing up from the table with his crew.

Yeah okay this isn't going well...

I took a couple of steps back and ran into the chair of a thug behind me.

"Hey, watch it bitch." He said quickly standing up and looking at me.

Ohhhhhh crap....

"Hey! Join the queue pal, we got this chick first." The guy that bought Jas said walking over.

I can't just leave... I need to get Jas... and what about Dabi where the fuck did he go... maybe he needs help...

I looked around and grabbed a beer off the table next to me and smashed it on a random guys head.

"Fight!!" I screamed as I ran through the room up to the stage.

The room erupted and chairs, bottles and people were thrown all over the place. I scanned the room for Dabi.

"Fucking Dabi chooses now to be a cute jealous boyfriend and stand up to that asshole." I said to myself looking across the room.

Maybe I can think about him and teleport him here... like last time...

I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes thinking about Dabi. I activated my quirk and opened my eyes.

"Wait a minute..." I said opening them seeing Dabi and Chase fighting in the middle of the Fangs crew.

"Dabi!" I yelled looking over as the other fangs members stood around them as they fought.

I rushed over and pushed past the other guys to get a better view. They both stood up and squared up to fight again.

"What the hell Dabi, just use your quirk. Toast this guy like a Marshmello." I yelled to him.

Chase smirked at Dabi. "Yeah Dabi, how about you use your dads quirk on me..."

His dad has a flame quirk too?...Wait he has a dad... well of course he had a dad... but when ... wait I need to focus...

He turned to look at me and his face dropped. "(F/N), get out of here!!" He yelled at the same time Chase did.

"Grab her before she uses her quirk." Chase yelled to the men standing around them.

I felt a guy behind me hug his arms around me pinning my arms to the side.

"Get off me!!" I screamed as I started to kick my legs around.

"Let's make this interesting Dabi." Chase said squaring you again and raising his fists. "You win and you can keep your girl, I win and we take her." He smiled as his split lip opened up and blood ran down his chin.

I can still use my quirk asshole...

I closed my eyes and activated my quirk. I opened them and we were in the middle of a busy shopping mall.

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