Chapter 62 - Dabi V Chase

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Dabi turned around to face Chase. I could see the anger building up in him as a smirk grew across Chase's face.

Oh god... this isn't going to be pretty...

I chose to stay quiet, I felt like anything I said right now would make the situation worse.

Lucky Dabi doesn't feel anything for me anymore right?...

"Even after you told her to stay away from me, guess who came to meet me all by herself Dabi?" Chase smirked.

There was a short awkward silence between the three of us before I completely ignored my original move to stay silent.

"Your a few months too late Chase. I already told Dabi I slept with you." I said flatly.

That's right boys let's measure dicks another time...

Chase chuckled. I looked over to Dabi who was still death staring Chase. His eyes began to glow and I knew they were about to fight.

"I suppose what makes it worse is that she came onto me." Chase shrugged.

It was obvious he was trying to get a rise out of Dabi, and boy was it working....

Waves of heat began to flow off Dabi's body as he clenched both hands into fists.

"Ohhhhhh she didn't tell you that little important detail did she? And your still with her even after I fucked her."

Dabi quickly lifted one of his arms and unclenched his fist sending a wave of blue flames over to Chase. The heat was intense especially in my non heat proof clothes.

I took a few steps back behind Dabi to avoid some of the heat. Dabi stopped the flames and lowered his hand. The flames crackled as the water in the harbour began to glow blue.

Did he just kill Chase?... wait do I care?... Maybe a little...

I stayed quiet as we watched the flames subside. A smirk grew across Dabi's face as the smoke from the fire began to clear.

My heart was racing. I knew I could just leave at any time with my quirk but part of me wanted to stay and see what happened. I was focused on the smoke trying to see what was left of Chase.

Then I saw him. "Dabi, look out!" I screamed seeing Chase hold a gun up to Dabi.

The bullet hit Dabi in the leg but didn't seem to hurt him. I felt my body begin to shake with fear as I saw Chase walk through the smoke unharmed.

"Pretty easy to predict what your gonna do Dabi, your kinda a one trick pony." Chase chuckled as his suit smoked.

Maybe he's wearing fireproof clothes or something?... we need to get outta here...

Dabi ignored him and lifted his hand again to shoot out a flame. But nothing seemed to happen. He quickly looked down at his leg to see what had hit him.

"Can't beat me in a fair fight so you need to erase my quirk." Dabi said chuckling manically.

"Are you okay Dabi?" I asked trying to maybe be of some help.

"It's okay princess his quirk will come back soon, but this fight will be over and done well before that." Chase said as he ran forward towards Dabi.

They exchanged a few punches and equally dodged just as many. Dabi landed a good punch hitting Chase square in the face. Chase stumbled back and wiped the blood running out of his nose.

Chase looked over to me behind Dabi. "I know princess, how about I show Dabi what happened that night with my quirk? I'm sure he'd just love to watch the way I rode you."

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