Chapter 65 - Take you to hell

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"The one and only hun." Chase chuckled spinning my gun he had picked up from the floor.

Wait I have another gun in my back pocket....

I quickly stood up and reached for the other gun I had stashed away.

"Ahh ahhh ahhhhhh." Chase chuckled again holding up my other gun he had taken before. "What's the rush princess, sit back down." Chase said aiming the gun at me and motioning me to sit back down.

I let out a grunt and sat back down. I felt the blood oozing from my cheek. "How are you still alive?" I asked.

He smiled and ripped the top bottoms of his shirt open exposing his tattooed chest. A small scar was left on his chest right near his heart.

"You missed, and I heard you were a good shot too. Maybe you chose to miss me on purpose." He smiled.

"That wasn't my intention, trust me." I slyly said back.

I'm really not in a position to start being sassy...

He chuckled again.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked looking at the gun aimed at me.

"Your father wouldn't want me too but how about we play a game princess?" He said emptying the loaded cartridge of one of the guns onto the desk. "I mean it's only fair after you tried to kill me."

The bullets fell across the table and he picked up just one.

"Russian roulette?" He chuckled holding up the bullet in his fingers.

Ugh and to think I had sex with this asshole...

"I don't mean to rain on your parade but you need a revolver to play Russian roulette, that's a pistol idiot." I chuckled at the mistake Chase had made.

Again... still not in a position to be making jokes (F/N)...

"You know what (F/N) your so right, not just a pretty face." He chuckled as he opened the desk draw.

Me and my big fucking mouth...

He pulled out a revolver and flicked the chamber opened removing all but one bullet. He spun the chamber and pushed it back in cocking the gun then aiming it back at my head.

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves." I said putting up my hands in front of my face defensively.

Like my hands can stop a bullet... I need to stall...

"Weren't you supposed to keep up your end of the bargain. Telling me about my quirk?" I asked shuffling in the chair slightly.

He hummed. "Mmmm that ship sailed when you put a bullet in my chest princess. Maybe ask your daddy." He smirked. "Enough stalling, where's the leagues base?" He asked aiming the gun at my head and hovering a finger over the trigger.

I lifted a hand to wipe some of the blood that was flowing from the gash below my eye. "Ohh okay I'll tell you, it's right off kiss my ass street asshole." I smirked.

He pulled the trigger and the barrel on the revolver shifted but no bullet came out. I flinched and closed my eyes for a second at the sound of the trigger and felt my body start to shake.

Yeah... he's not fucking around... if only I could use my fucking quirk...

"I'm gonna ask you again, where's the leagues base?"

If I don't tell him he's really going to kill me this time... but also... snitches get stitches...

"I'm not telling you anything, so you might as well kill me now. I mean you were average in bed." I shrugged. "But Dabi was so much better than you." I smirked.

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