Chapter 60 - Toxic 🍋

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"Did you use me as a fucking decoy just then?" I asked still flustered by his actions before.

Dabi shrugged as he lowered his hand and watched the men burn. "Sorry about burning your little boy toy."

What an asshole... who am I kidding, I'm totally into this shit...

"Meh it's okay, I'll find a new one." I joked looking around the empty abandoned subway.

I'm just happy we're talking I must be going to hell, I didn't even care that those three just died...

"So what exactly are we looking for again? Something for the doctor? It's like almost midnight and was just getting started at the club....What I'm trying to say is will this be quick?" I said trying to sound uninterested.

Dabi chuckled again. "I'm wondering if your partially deaf or if you just chose not to listen all the time."

I ignored Dabi as one of the old subway carts caught my eye, i could tell it had been opened and used recently. I stumbled over and tried to open the door.

"Bingo. I betcha that shits in here." I said struggling to open the door.

Dabi stood close behind me and watched.

"A little help would be nice, asshole." I said quickly giving up on the door.

"I'm enjoying the view though." He chuckled.

I just realised while I was bending over to try and pry the door open most of my ass was hanging out.

I couldn't help but smirk. "In your dreams lover boy. Oh wait, your trying to get over me sorry I forgot. How's that going for ya?"

"I'm just usually like this, it's not because I feel anything for you anymore. I'm just a natural flirt, can't help it." Dabi said shoving me out of the way.

He pulled the door handle down and it opened.

"How high are you? You didn't even try the handle?" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and mimicked him. "How high are you... not very, I'm more drunk than anything else. Oh wait sorry I forgot my drunken state turns you on doesn't it?" I joked as I followed him into the subway cart.

It was dark. I could barely make out what was inside the old subway cart apart from the seats.

"This shits creepy, I'm out." I said quickly spinning around and heading back towards the door.

"Ha! I knew you would bail, scaredy-cat." Dabi said walking further into the darkness of the cart.

Can't Dabi just create some flames so we can see...

I paused and my drunken alter ego took over. "I'm not scared." I said quickly turning back around and taking a few more steps into the cart.

"Hey look at this." Dabi said moving something in the cart.

It made a loud thud so I knew where I was stumbling over too.

"What is it?" I asked leaning over Dabi's back to look at what he could see.

I pressed my chest against his back on purpose as I looked over him. My head was right next to his. I gently placed a hand on his shoulder and ran it forward near his chest as I looked over him.

It was only subtle but I noticed him slightly flick at my touch.

I fucking knew it...

I pressed my lips near his ear. "Admit it, you still want me. This was just an excuse to get me over here." I said seductively running my other hand over his neck as I brushed the hair away from his ear.

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