Chapter 82 - The Begining or the End?

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Why does Dabi have footage of Hawks and I at that club....

I heard the door open and I quickly pulled the USB out and turned the laptop off. I stood back near the bed and yawned as Dabi walked in.

"Sorry, that took longer than it should have. Twice was... well himself..." He sighed. "Now where were we?"

"I should probably head home, I'm pretty tired." I lied yawning again.

He came up and wrapped his arms around me pulling me in close to his chest. "You sure? I mean you got me off but don't you want anything?" He chuckled as he gently kissed my forehead.

"I do want something, but your not gonna like it." I smirked.

"You wanna be in charge?" He chuckled.

I hummed. "Hmm no I want you to tell me more about you. Without hearing you complain about it." I smiled.

He let out an annoyed moan.

"That's classed as complaining." I smirked leaning up to kiss him on the lips.

He kissed me back and sat me back onto his bed. He broke the kiss as he sat down beside me.

"Alright let the torture begin." He moaned.

"Still classed as complaining." I chuckled. "But I'll take what I can get." I sighed.

Hmmm so what should I ask him?...

His eyes met mine and I instantly felt nervous. "I know you don't like talking about your past, but do you have any siblings?" I asked taking a gulp that would have been able to be heard from outside.

He rolled his eyes and sat forward resting his elbows on his knees. "This stays between us. Or I will kill you." He said bluntly.

I nodded and looked down at his hands.

"I have two younger brothers and a younger sister." He said looking down at his hands as he clenched his fists.

I wonder if his brothers are as hot as him... omg head out of the gutter...

I left a bit of an awkward silence before I responded. I was just actually surprised he was talking to me. "Are they... are they still alive?" I asked quietly.

He shrugged. He was clearly already done with this conversation.

"Do you, miss them?" I asked nervously.

He paused for a moment looking into his hands. He looked like he was in pain, thinking about his younger siblings.

He seems to have a pretty big family... I wonder what happened....

"Nope. They abandoned me long ago, they even think I'm dead. So no, I don't miss them." He said as I could hear the anger start to build in his voice.

I reached my arm out to his rubbing the backs of our hands together. He unclenches his fists and let one glide into my hand.

"I've never told anyone that before." He said looking at our hands.

It felt nice, holding his hand like this. We were usually either having sex or not having sex, no in between. I looked up and tried to give him a warm smile.

Nows probably not a good time to ask about the USB ... or the hair dye...

"Will you tell me your real name? I don't have to call you by it, I can still just call you Dabi." I asked giving his hand a slight squeeze.

"I don't think I'm really ready for that yet." He said softly as he sank his head down.

"Oh that's okay." I replied quickly.

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