Chapter 107 - The final act

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~ One year later ~

It had been a year since the battle between the hero's and villains. It split the nation, literally. One side of the city still kept the same hero justice ideology, while the other believed in free quirk and support item use, a society where hero's didn't exists. It wasn't all chaos on that side, but I'd be lying if it was peaceful. Either side was anything but peaceful.

The glass pressed against my lips and I sipped the liquid inside letting it glide down my throat. I gently placed the wine glass back down on the table and pressed my lips together smudging the gloss I had on evenly over them.

I glanced around the fancy restaurant and watched the other diners as they ate. Some businessmen and women, some rich old and young couples and some hero's even sat down at some of the tables. However a young couple a few tables over caught my attention. They looked fresh, I almost forgot what young love was like. I picked up the glass again and twirled it in my hand as I continued to watch them bringing it to my lips once again to take a sip.

This time however I had finished the contents of the glass and disappointedly placed it back onto the table in front of me. My phone buzzed and I read the message, it was finally time. I placed the phone back in my purse and I called a waiter over.

A man in a suit swiftly shuffled over with a note pad and bowed slightly. "Sorry madame, can I be of assistance? Would you like another glass?" He asked taking my empty away.

I gave him a soft smile back. "Just the check please, and my car." I said politely giving him my valet car ticket.

He nodded and checked my ticket. "Of course madame, please give us 5 minutes." He smiled as he returned behind the bar.

I reverted my attention back onto the couple who had finished their meals and were just chatting away idly. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them, thinking of what could have been. What I potentially could have had, a normal life.

These people including me lived in the parts of the city that still held out hope for hero's. Believing what they did that day exactly one year ago was justifiable. Believing that what they did was worth the many sacrifices.

The man suddenly got up and knelt down in front of the girl presenting her with a little red box. She gasped and threw her hands over her mouth in utter surprise. He opened the box and asked her a question.

A question deep down I knew I would never hear personally. But I still held some hope.

She nodded and sobbed as she fell on top of him to give him a hug. The room erupted with applause. I smiled and clapped along slowly as he pushed the ring onto her finger.

The waiter had returned to my table and cleared his throat. "Your bill madame, and your vehicle will be out the front shortly."

I turned away from the couple and gave him a sweet smile as I took the bill. I opened it up and examined it.

$160 for two glasses of wine... what a rip...ehh I guess that's why I love this place so much... it's got class...

I opened my purse and placed three hundred dollars down under the bill and stood up from my seat. I was well off, so I could afford to tip pretty good.

I couldn't help myself.

I walked over to the young newly engaged couple and tapped the girl lightly on the shoulder.

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