Chapter 13 - Three's a Crowd

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He didn't respond to me as he walked over and locked the door. He made his way back to me with a smirk and unbuckled his belt letting it fall to the floor with his pants.

"So your the Enchantress aye," he said getting out his phone and taking a photo of me on the bed.

I tried to move my body a bit, it almost felt like I was getting some of the feeling back. "You were never going to join the league were you." I said softly.

"Nope, my brother is just distracting you little friend down there while I kill you to send them a message." He said sliding my dress up. "But who said I can't have a little fun first."

I started to laugh while looking up at him. He gave me a confused look.

"What's so funny?" He asked pulling his briefs down and climbing over me. "Your really not in a position to be laughing."

I continued to laugh as I turned my head to face the window.

To be honest I don't really know why I find this situation so funny, I guess I think it's karma for me now being a villain...

He grabbed my throat and started to choke me. I started to cough from the choke but still continued to laugh.

"Your a fucking crazy bitch, you know that?" He said with a smile while running his other hand up to touch my g-string.

He was taking too long, I could feel myself regaining the movement in my feet. My arms tingled like they had pins and needles and I knew it was only a matter of time before I could move them too.

"Is this the only way you can get a girl to sleep with you?" I strained to say through his choke.

I needed to stall him for a little longer.

I tried to look down on him towering over me and think of something else to say. "Your not packing much, is that why you have to force women to sleep with you." I said still strained as his grip tightened.

He ripped my g-string off and threw it across the room. "Shut up you fucking slut."

"Let me know when your in," I said trying to smile at him. "I probably won't feel anything."

"That's it!" He said letting go of my neck as he pulled his neck tie off.

I gasped as he released me and started to cough more. He rolled his tie into a ball and shoved it in my mouth forcing my jaw into it.

He pushed his face closer to mine, "I could always just kill you first, maybe then..."

Before he could finish I quickly flung my head forward hitting him square in the forehead. I push him to the side so I could move.

Fuck that hurts a lot more than what it looks like it does in the movies.

I pull the tie out of my mouth and roll off the bed army crawling to the window.

"Help! Please help me! Anyone!!" I yelled trying to pull myself up to the window.

"You stupid bitch." I hear Danzo say as he stood up and walked over to me.

He pulled me by the back of my hair and dragged me back to the bed. I continued to kick and scream I'm sure compress wouldn't be able for hear me over the music downstairs.

"You wanna know how many times I've done this? I save a photo of each girl just so I can keep count." He said taking out his phone to show me.

He scrolled through the photos with speed, I saw hundreds of girls in the same position as I was drugged and laying on the bed.

"Your a sick fuck." I said out of breath from screaming.

He chuckled, "Why thank you, now considering you apparently won't even feel me," he started to say before lifting me up and throwing my face down on the bed.

I'm assuming this guy doesn't have a quirk ... or he has a lame one that's no good in this situation.

"Let's get this over with." He said climbing over me again and pushing my chest into the sheets.

I tried to use my quirk but nothing happened. I tried again praying for something to happen.

Please please please work.

He lifted up my dress exposing my bare ass and lined himself up.

Suddenly the glass window loudly shatters. Pieces of glass are sprayed all across the room.

"The fuck is happening now." Danzo said hopping off the bed.

"Gotta say I'm not really into threesomes with other guys babe." Dabi said jumping through the window.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you." I said with a croaky voice while trying to pick myself up off the bed.

"Who the fuck are you?" Danzo said using a hand to cover his junk. He reached down and using his other hand grabbed a piece of glass.

I rolled over onto my back and pulled my dress down to cover myself. I started to rub my neck and sat up looking at Dabi. He locked eyes with me and I noticed his eyes start to glow.

Danzo threw the piece of glass at Dabi and as he did so it expanded in size. Dabi easily dodged it and walked himself over to me standing between Danzo and I.

"You've got some kind of expansion quirk?" Dabi asked him.

"Maybe you could use it on yourself that way you might be able to get a girl in bed without drugging her." I said smiling from my safety behind Dabi.

Dabi started to laugh at my joke. "It's okay babe he won't be getting another chance to do this again."

My heart started to beat faster and I lost my smile quickly.

He's going to kill him... but he's a shit guy really... but it's still not right.

I looked down and saw his phone still unlocked with the pictures of the girls on display. I sit up a bit further and notice that there was over 400 images in the album.

No fucking way, this dick has done this to over 400 girls before me.

I felt anger rage through my body as I started to get my full range of movement back.

"What do you say (F/N)?" Dabi asked looking back at me over his shoulder.

I hesitated for a moment and looked back to the phone.

Yep no doubt about it ... I'm defiantly going to hell.

"Do it." I said grabbing his phone.

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