Chapter 87 - Forgetful

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I could see the look of horror wash over the guards face and I found it hilarious.

I chuckled softly to begin with and then it slowly got louder.

"Shit." The guard said turning to the other. "Get your weapon ready for....." she was cut off again, this time from the ambulance coming to a complete abrupt stop.

Both the guards were thrown to the front and crashed into the supplies that continued to fly around the back of the van. I saw the doors begin to melt from the middle before they broke open. To my surprise however no one was there.

Dabi?... I could have sworn I saw the doors melt....

The guards collected themselves and drew their weapons out aiming them at the open doors. They slowly walked out of the van and looked around.

But I know I heard Dabi talk before... and the melting doors.... maybe I'm more fucked up on this shit than I thought...

I lifted my head with whatever strength I could muster to try and see what the guards were doing.

Wait where did they go....

They suddenly fell from the sky surrounded by a blue flame.

"D...Dabi?..." I muttered trying to keep my eyes from closing.

I can feel him... he's here somewhere...

I closed my eyes and reopened them.

"Babe...." Dabi said placing a warm hand on my cheek. "The fuck have they done to you?"

I go to move my hand up to his on my cheek but my body just flinches as the restraints hold my body in place.

"Dabi, please tell me it's really you." I said half mumbling and half slurring my words.

I felt a warm wave flow over my wrists and ankles as Dabi melted the restraints off.

"It's me baby let's go home." He said lifting my limp body up into his chest. "Can you take us home?" He asked.

I choked on my words. "I... Dabi I can't." I said clinging onto his chest like I was about to be taken away from him again.

He obviously didn't fully understand what I mean by that.

"That's okay, you rest." He said lifting me up as he walked us out of the ambulance.

I was so out of it, the drugs that had been pumped through my body to sedate me were completely messing with my thoughts and emotions. He continued to walk out onto the road past the two burning bodies and over to a van.

I heard a voice.

Is that Toga?...

"Is she okay?" Toga asked.

God please tell me she's not driving that van...

He walked to the back of the van and jumped in. Dabi gently placed me on the floor.

"Give me a sec babe." He said kissing my forehead before he jumped back out of the van.

Man I just wanna sleep... I also think I'm a bit horny... it has been almost a month... and I mean just look at Dabi ... wait where did he go?...

I tried to sit up and then saw Dabi run and jump back into the van.

"Crap that was close!" He said before he looked over to me. "Oh, should you be moving?" He asked awkwardly coming over.

He knelt down next to me and lent over to help me sit up. I rested a hand on his chest to stabilise myself.

"Dabi... I ..." I slurred leaning up to kiss him.

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