Chapter 93 - My head and my heart

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I woke up early the next morning slightly hungover. I only had 2 maybe 3 shots but it was enough to give me a headache.

I was walking myself to work thinking about Dabi, whoever that was. Wondering if he was the man I had kissed, a friend perhaps or just someone I knew. Maybe he was even thinking about me too.

Hawks called in, the usual routine. Asked me if I remembered anything, I lied of course. I had a feeling as soon as I started to remember anything he would try and take that away from me.

I had been at work for almost 2hours and I was struggling.

*Ring, Ring...*

*Ring, Ring...*

I stared at the phone in a complete daze.

"Amber!" Brittany yelled trying to snap me out of my trance.

*Ring, Ring...*

*Ring, Ring...*

"Amber!!!" She yelled louder.

It was like white noise mixed in with the phone rings. I even felt drool drip down the side of my mouth.

"Hello welcome to Valley Lawyers this is Brittany." Brittany said answering the phone.

I shook my head and looked up at her apologetically.

"I'll put you through now." She smiled and placed the caller on hold.

"Girl you awake?" She chuckled.

"God I'm so sorry Brittany, thanks for the save. I owe you." I said with a sigh.

"How about you go get yourself a coffee? It's almost morning tea time anyway." She smiled.

That actually sounds like a great idea...

"How about I shout you one? I do owe you." I said returning the smile.

"Sure, flat white with one sugar." Brittany said as she walked back over to her desk.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed outside.

This is nice, the country air is so much fresher than the city..... Wait... why would I know that... have I been to the city?...

I continued to mull over my thoughts as I ordered the drinks. They were busy so I waited and looked up at the small tv in the corner of the shop. It was the news, a breaking news banner appeared across the bottoms of the screen and sparked my interest. I walked a bit closer so I could hear it.

Tv news anchor: "We have some breaking news just in from Kiyashi Ward Shopping mall. Civilians are asked to avoid the area at all costs as a current villain attack is underway. It's still not confirmed if these attacks are linked to the League of Villains but authorities say creatures are reeking havoc in the area and hero's are on the way to control the situation."

I was fixated on what the report was saying. Processing each word like it was a clue to unlock some kind of memory that I was missing.

"Amber!! Your coffees!" The man at yelled leaning over the counter to hand them to me.

Amber.... who is Amber?....

I looked at him like he had just insulted me, called me fat or something.

"That's..." I paused and looked back up at the tv.

Tv news anchor: "Authorities are still not certain on the purpose of this attack and believe it is just at random. Again please avoid the area at all costs as police and hero's control the situation."

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now