Chapter 52 - Turn me on

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"That's it, I've heard enough asshole. I stand by what I said before. You'll never have a shot with me blew it." I said about to close my eyes again.

"Wait! It was after the first night we meet. I saw Ren the next night and then I ran into you again. After that I swear it's only been you." He looked like he was telling the truth but I wasn't completely sold.

"Great so your telling me I should get tested for an STD now too. Thanks..." I said opening my eyes only to roll them again. "And it wasn't even the fact that you knocked up another girl too. When she asked you to chose between us you couldn't, you froze."

This time Dabi lunged forward and grabbed my arm.

"Let go!" I yelled.

Asshole knows I can't use my quirk with him touching me...

"Just hear me out (F/N), after the first night I met you at that strip club I couldn't stop thinking about you." He pushed my chin up forcing me to look him in the eyes. "So I went back the next night to see if you were there again, but you never came. I ran into Ren and thought i could forget about you with her. But then I went back again the night after and saw you in that booth. Come on you know I hate talking about feelings and shit."

That's kinda sweet right?... minus the Ren part...

"Whatever I'll deal with you later." I said trying to push him off me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dabi said scrunching his face up before he finally let me go.

I shrugged. "I got bigger fish to fry. I just found out my dads out running lose." I smirked.

"Wait your not going to..." Dabi started to say before I quickly cut him off.

"Yup." I smiled as I pushed past him and walked into the base.

The weapons we had were all stashed in a room to the right of the warehouse. I walked straight over and started looking through the guns.

I should probably just use a handgun or something... nothing too fancy...

I pulled out a handgun and shoved it in a back pocket of my pants. I also grabbed a knife and hid it down the inside of my boot.

I hope this doesn't cut me when I walk... meh that's how they do it in the movies right?...

I hadn't noticed it yet but Dabi had followed me and was watching me gear up. I spun around and saw him leaning against the door frame with a frown.

"Can I help you?" I asked still looking through the weapons trying to ignore him.

I heard him chuckle. "Your not going to go interrogate your dad..."

I was still pretty angry at this point. I mean I wasn't even too sure if I should be angry about him sleeping with Ren I mean we had only just met really, hell I had even tried to go out and forget about him too. Could I really stay mad?

"Stop trying to control me!" I snapped at him.

Why yes... yes I could.

He walked over and lightly touched my shoulder causing me to jump. "You didn't let me finish. I was going to say, your not going to go interrogate you dad alone. I'll come with you... as a fellow league member nothing more."

Ughhhh I have no control of my body really... I don't want to just be 'friends' or 'fellow league members' ... I want to be more.... ughhh how does he still make me feel like this!!!! Ughhhhhh

I was emotionally wrecked and really not in the right frame of mind to be going anywhere alone anyway. My body was trembling slightly from the adrenaline that was pumping through my body after hearing Dabi talk about when he slept with Ren.

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