Chapter 101 - Trust

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I looked between Dabi and the dealer, completely confused by what they had just made a deal about. I mean I must have heard that wrong.

I know Dabi didn't just fucking trade me off for this stupid pod thing....

Hawks didn't seem to release his grip on me. I looked back at Hawks squirming a bit to see if he just heard the same thing I did and raised an eyebrow at him.

He smirked and kind of tightened his grip. He moved his face next to mine. "Don't worry, as much of an asshole Dabi is I'm sure he wouldn't actually trade you for this pod thing." Hawks whispered to me. "I don't think..."

Hawks trailed off the end of his words as he continued to hold onto me.

What am I doing... I need to trust Dabi... trust him...

"It's okay, you can let me go." I said softly to Hawks.

He hesitated for a bit and sighed. " I tried to warn you about how he treats you. Like an object, your really gonna let him treat you like that?" Hawks asked quietly as he let me go.

I took a few steps forward and looked at Dabi. I caught his attention and he looked back at me. His eyes told me everything. Well everything I needed to know.

I need to trust him...

I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath. This was either a smart or dumb choice, to trust Dabi. I suppose I was about to find out.

"You think I'm that stupid." The dealer said clicking his tongue. "You just told me she's spoken for and now your just gonna let me have her." He chuckled.

Dabi shrugged. "We really need this pod."

There was an awkward silence between them.

The dealer chuckled breaking the tension in the room. "And you just gonna come along and play happy family with me?" He chuckled as he looked over to me. "I'm into some freaky shit."

I tried to hide the cringe my body did when he said that. I chuckled and skipped over to him. His henchmen held up their guns to me as I walked over to him. I got close and stood in front of the dealer and lifted my arms up.

Come on... do I really look like I could hurt anyone?... I suppose I could bite his dick off... let's keep that as a last resort... come on Dabi I fucking trust you...

"Alright Mr dealer man, I'm yours. I hope your packing cause I'm used to a certain size now." I joked as I have Dabi a wink.

The dealer chuckled. "Your fiesty, I like it." He chuckled as he waved his hand to the henchmen signalling them to lower their weapons.

I walked closer to him and wrapped my hands around his neck. He seemed to be falling for the act as he grabbed onto my waist.

I pressed my lips to his ear. "Careful Mr dealer, my bites much worse than my bark." I said seductively.

Man I'm getting good at this... who needs to teleport when I can seduce people... I really hope Dabi has a plan... I mean I trust him...

I hung off him with my arms still around his neck while I swung into his chest. He pulled me in with one of his arms while the other extended out to the pod.

"Help yourselves boys." The dealer said to Dabi and Hawks. "You sure she's fair game?" He chuckled again as tapped his hand on my waist.

I trust Dabi.... but hmm not gonna lie this acting gig is fun... I bet Dabi is feeling it though....

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