Chapter 103 - Backstabber

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"Hawks.... what have you done?" I asked hearing the fear in my voice.

I was completely defenceless in this room, I had no weapons and obviously still no quirk.

If only I had my fucking quirk.... fuck!...

"I'm sorry (F/N), you weren't supposed to be here." He said painfully.

"Did you..... wait this whole time..... everything was a lie?" I said backing up towards the windows away from Hawks.

"These people are villains (F/N), your not like that. I can help you." He said walking towards me.

My back hit the wall behind me and I turned to look out the window. Hundreds of hero's were running towards the base, some already fighting with some of our members.

"I don't need your help, stop trying to help me!You sold us out!" I yelled as I looked between Hawks and the other hero's outside.

"I'm sorry." Hawks said again before I felt a feather tug at the back of my clothes.

It pulled me across the room and I screamed. It pushed me into a chair and Hawks walked over and handcuffed me to it.

"You backstabbing piece of shit!" I spat at him as he cuffed me.

I kicked my legs out trying to hit him. He kinda let me knowing that I wouldn't be able to do any real damage.

"You deserved better than this (F/N). I'm sorry." He said before he walked back to the door.

"Fuck you Hawks!" I yelled feeling tears prick in the corners of my eyes.

Dabi... please come and burn his ass right now!...

Hawks left the room and closed the door behind him without saying anything else.

"Fucking, fuck!" I yelled rocking back and forth in the chair.

I heard the fighting continue below me and prayed Dabi could hear me or something as I continued to scream out his name.

"Dabi!!!! Help please!! Fuck!!!" I screamed.

If only I had my fucking quirk...

It was about 5 minutes later when I heard someone running outside.

"Help! Please, I'm in here!" I yelled again praying that this might be Dabi.

The door was kicked in and a hero stepped inside. But no just any hero.

"Alex?" I asked silently cursing my existence.

"(F/N)! Hawks said you were in here. Are you okay?" He asked as he rushed over to me.

I gotta think... fuck what do I do.... I know... your not the only good actor here Hawks...

"Oh Alex, thank god it's you! These villains kidnapped me so long ago and continue to brain wash me, please help me." I cried out over dramatically.

He rushed over to the chair I was cuffed to. "Shit, I knew you had been brain washed. Are you okay?" He asked reaching down to release the cuffs.

I watched as he released one of the cuffs setting one hand free. " I'm okay, I think. They kept me tied up in this room. I hardly remember anything Alex. But you know me, I'm not a bad person." I lied.

"I know that. You know, your all I've thought about for months. I can't seem to truely get over you." He said releasing my other hand.

Thank god Jas wasn't here today... she would be caught up in my drama again otherwise...

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