Chapter 18 - The Aftermath

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"Shit," Dabi said opening the shower door and lifting Jasmine off me. "Are you okay? What happened to you?"

My eyes had started to blur and they were beginning to get harder and harder to see out if. Maybe I had some blood in them.

I hadn't realised it but Dabi had walked Jasmine out onto his bed and came back in to pick me up off the floor. Until my drunken alter ego came out.

I pushed his hands away from me. "I'm okay, I don't need your help." I said trying to stand in the shower.

"Says the one who popped up in my shower covered in blood." Dabi said standing back from me to watch.

I used the glass walls to help myself up and Dabi noticed the bruises on my fingers from the cab door. I wobbled on my stilettos as the blood dripped from the gash on my forehead onto the shower tiles.

"You know you'll go blind if you keep letting the blood go into your eyes." Dabi said emotionless.

"Huh?" I reached up to rub my eyes and saw my hand was covered in blood. "Is Jas okay?" I asked still looking at my now shaking hand.

Dabi let out a sigh and put an arm under my legs to scoop me up. "She's fine, just drunk. Your a mess though." He said almost laughing.

"I'm fine. I just need some water."  I said slowly letting my eyes close for a moment before I would jolt them back open.

He placed me on the bed next to Jas and I turned to look at her. He was right, she was fine not a scratch on her and she was fast asleep.

He sat down on the bed next to me giving me a fright. I quickly turned to face him while he put a damp cloth over the wound on my forehead. It burned and I knew it had to be alcohol.

I cringed and clenched my teeth together trying not to cry out in pain. I uncomfortably moved my head to try and get away from the cloth.

"You gonna tell me what happened?" He asked cleaning the cloth before dabbing it along my head again.

"Why do you care? I snapped back.

He cleaned up the rest of the blood from my face. "Just because I don't want a relationship with you doesn't mean I don't care about what happens to you."

I started to cry, the tears were half blood, half water as they fell across my cheeks. "You don't care, Alex doesn't care no one cares. Hell I don't care!" I clutched my chest feeling the pain of my broken heart. "What's wrong with me?" I sobbed to myself.

Dabi grabbed the hand I had clenched over my chest. "Nothings wrong with you." He said softly.

I couldn't really see him though my tears but his warm hand seemed to calm me down slightly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why my stupid quirk took us here." I said trying to hop out of bed. "I need to get Jas home."

As I sat up I felt his arms surround me. He was so warm and he smelt so good. I closed my eyes and drifted asleep.


My head was throbbing when I woke up. I groaned as I sat up in the bed. I heard a familiar vomiting sound coming from the bathroom. I rubbed my eyes and looked around.

Wait this is my room? Was I dreaming when I remember being at Dabi's place?

I got up quickly and walked into the main room before running to the bathroom.

"Oh my god (F/N) I feel like death. What happened last night?" She said throwing her head back into the toilet.

She doesn't remember... should I tell her?

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