Chapter 11 - The Darkside

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"Hello, (F/N)?" Alex said again into the phone.

He could hear my sobs as I tried to control my crying.

"Are you okay? Do you need ..." Alex said before I quickly hung up.

I screamed and threw my phone at the wall quickly sticking my head between my legs. My phone started to ring and I knew it was Alex calling me back so I ignored it.

I sat in this position for a few hours before realising I needed to either start heading over to the bar or make myself disappear somehow. I hop up and retrieve my phone, the screen was completely shattered but thankfully it was still usable.

I changed into the clothes I had purchased today and sneak into Jasmines room. I knew she had some wigs in her wardrobe somewhere. After looking through her wardrobe I find a short red bob wig and quickly try it on.

I guess this will do.

I quickly put on some make up and make my way out of our apartment. I put the address into my phone and slowly walk to the bar.

I finally get there about 5minutes early and stand at the door.

What am I doing... like seriously...

I look down the empty alley way and think about leaving.

Maybe if I just disappeared they wouldn't be able to come after me, I could just teleport somewhere. Wait what about Jas though.

Before I had a chance to make my final decision I hear someone call out from behind me. "Oh hey! It's the stripper. What's the wig for? Is that your stage wig?" Toga asked quite chipper.

"Oh hey, I actually think I might have left something at home. So I'll probably go get it and come right back." I said as I turned to walk away.

"Hmm ohh really? Dabi mentioned something about going to your place or seeing you or something." She said with a smirk.

Was that what he said... he knew I wasn't going to come.

"Actually you know what, I think I can live without it." I said waiting behind Toga to get into the bar. My breathing had started to get out of control again, he killed someone at the casino the other night. Then I slept with him.

I need to talk to Dabi in private.

She knocked and the door opened as we walked inside.

I see all the members from the other night sitting or standing within the bar. It was small and had a tv situated behind their boss who sat at the end of the bar. The only seats in the place were barstools directly at the bar. One of the other members hung behind the counter cleaning the glasses and getting people drinks.

I spot Dabi leaning on the wall in the corner and quietly walk over to him.

"Hey, can I talk to you please?" I asked politely.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked when he saw me come in and walk over to him. "Sure, whats up?" He said casually.

I looked around at the other members in the bar, "Maybe in private? Or just outside?" I asked nervously.

He let out an annoyed sigh and pushed himself off the wall. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathrooms and into a cubical locking the door behind us.

I tried to slow my breathing by taking a deep breath in before I spoke. "I want ...." but before I could finish he pulls me in for a kiss.

His hands feel their way up from my bare waist under my crop top and start cupping my boobs.

Before I got too caught up in the moment I quickly pull from the kiss. "Wait... this wasn't what I meant, I actually just wanted to talk with you." I said as he let go of my boobs. "I don't know if I can do this, I mean I really need a job. But I don't think we have the same ideals." I said quickly looking at the floor like a coward.

He adjusted himself and crossed his arms. "And?" He asked wanting me to just get to the point.

I gulped so loudly I think the people in the bar would have heard it. "You ... you killed someone... I can't do that nor do I want to hurt people." I said softly still trying not to make eye contact with Dabi.

He chuckled loudly. "He was a mob boss, he's killed hundreds of innocent people. You'll learn in this line of work when it comes down to you or them you always protect yourself. By any means."

For some reason I felt slightly better knowing it wasn't just an innocent bystander. But this still felt wrong.

" I can't fight plus my quirks only good for one time a day and what happens when I can't walk around the streets without being recognised. Do I just go into hiding? If we get caught will we go to jail?" I start babbling again thinking of every worst possible outcome.

Dabi rolled his eyes and puts his palm over my mouth quickly shutting me up. "I thought I made it clear last night, your in. Don't make me kill you." He leaned forward and put his lips near my ear. "I enjoy having sex with you way too much." He let go of my mouth and pushed past me.

I stayed with my back to him trying to digest what he just said.

He unlocked the door and paused for a moment. "And I guess I can help you learn a couple of self defence moves or whatever." He said while I stayed silent still burning holes with my eyes in the floor.

"We're in the middle of sorting out a new base that has living quarters. When the time comes you'll move in there with us." He said as he left the cubical and walked back into the bar.

I fought the urge to vomit and composed myself before leaving the cubical and walking back out to the bar.

I looked around at the people again and saw Dabi take the same spot he was in before leaning against the wall.

I walked over to one of the barstools and sat next to the girl that walked in with me. She gave me a grin as she pulled out a blade rolling it between her hands.

"I'm Kurogiri, it's nice to see a new face here. Can I get you a drink?" The guy behind the bar asked placing a glass in front of me.

"Hi ... I'm (F/N), and yes please. I'll have a double rum and coke." I said before looking over to the girl next to me. "Did you want a drink?" I asked her.

"Oh no it's okay, I'm only 17." She said still playing with her knife.

Right so these villains rob people, kill people and do all sorts of bad shit ... and this is where she draws the line.

"Actually can you hold the coke please." I said to Kurogiri after he just finished pouring the two shots into the glass.

He let out a deep chuckle and pushed the glass over to me with the shots in.

Right I'm in, I'm a villain maybe it's time to stop caring about things and start embracing my new life.

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