Chapter 14 - We are not having sex again ... 🍋

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Dabi smiled back at me as he clapped his hands together and sent a blue flame through the room and onto Danzo.

Danzo screamed and I looked down at the phone scrolling through the girls pictures trying to help justify what we were doing. He had raped so many women, not to mention he probably killed some.

"Time to make our exit." Dabi said turning to help me off the bed. "Can you walk?" He asked looking me over.

I didn't want to seem completely useless so I lied. "Yeah I'll be fine."

He helped me off the bed anyway and we walked over to the window. "How did you know I needed help?" I asked shaking as we walked over to the window.

"Compress gave us the signal that things had gone south." He said looking out of the window down to the ground. "Then I heard you screaming from up here."

Danzo's screams stopped and I almost turned around to look at him before Dabi stopped me. "Probably best you don't look."

I nodded to agree with him and looked out the window. Considering we only walked up one flight of stairs it looked pretty freckin high. "How are we supposed to get down?"

"Do you trust me?" Dabi smirked at me while placing a foot on the window ledge.

The broken glass crunched under his boot. He extended an arm out to me.

Do I trust him? Can I trust anyone anymore?

I walked over the broken glass and wrapped my arms around Dabi's neck. He pulled his arm around me and pulled me close to his chest. I closed my eyes and buried my head into his neck. I bit down on his collarbone waiting for him to jump us out of the window.

I felt the cool breeze from outside flow through my hair and up my dress and we dropped from the window. He used his other arm to pull my legs up while we fell so they didn't hit the ground. I felt him land and opened my eyes releasing my grip with my mouth as well.

"Sorry I just knew I would scream." I said trying to justify my bite on him.

He chuckled and slowly let me down back onto the ground. "I like it when you scream though." He smirked slapping me on the ass as I hopped back onto the ground.

Man why's everything so sexual with this guy... gotta admit even though I almost died I'm still pretty turned on by this.....

I let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asked after hearing my sigh.

"It's nothing... well it's not nothing. It's just..." I stopped and turned back to face him.

I looked into his eyes and glanced down his body before shaking my head. "Why? Why am I so attracted to you?" I said grabbing my head in my hands. "You just killed someone! Like just then, yet I'm not feeling bad or sorry for him. All I can think about is you! What have you done to me!"

I angrily flicked my heels off and started to walk off in a different direction in a huff.

Dabi chuckled shoving his hands in his pant pockets and jogged to catch up to walk beside me. "Don't go falling for me babe, you'll only get your heart broken."

"I'm not falling for you." I said still with a huff. "My body just seems to be drawn to you... against my will I might add."

Dabi continued to follow me until we made it back to the van.

"Where are they?" I asked looking inside the back of the van.

"Yeah after we killed those two brothers we needed to take control of their base straight away. The others are all there now." He said leaning on the rear door.

So that other brother is dead now too??? I guess so.

"Oh so Spinner, Twice and Compress are there too?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Yup, I told them I would check up on you and come if we had time. They probably don't need us though." He said with his usual bored expression.

Wait have I even thanked him for what he did...

"Thanks..." I said hopping into the back of the van and sitting down. "Thanks for saving me back there." I said quietly.

"I think I know a way you can repay me." He smirked climbing into the van and closing the doors behind us.

"Oh no no no no!" I yelled getting up and backing away from him in the van.

That's it we need to say no!

I backed up to the side of the van and stuck my hands out on his chest keeping him at arms length. I twisted my legs so one was in front of the other, I still didn't have any panties on so I didn't want to get aroused.

"Fine, just tell me you don't want to do it, and I'll leave you alone." He said pressing his chest against my hands.

Come on (F/N) that's easy.. just say I don't want to do it.

"I want you." I said grabbing his shirt and pulling him into a kiss.

It was a rough kiss and I started to take his jacket off dropping it on the van floor behind him. He ripped the dress open the same way he had done the other night and tossed it aside. He immediately broke the kiss and looked down at my naked bottom half.

I immediately became embarrassed. "I never did it with him, I just told him he had a small penis and he got angry and ripped my g-string off. Then you came in." I said nervously. For some reason I thought he might look at me differently now after what had happened.

Dabi laughed, "Relax I was just checking you out. You don't take shit from people do you, what else did you say to him." He asked raising an eyebrow.

I blushed as I started to get embarrassed recalling the events that just happened. "Something along the lines of let me know when it's in cause I probably won't feel it." I replied with a bit of a chuckle.

Omg this man just died (F/N) and your making fun of him .... well your also just about to have sex.

Dabi laughed again, " How about I give you something you'll feel right now."

I pull him back into a deep kiss as our tongues trade places. He placed a hand over my bra before I stopped him and took it off.

"I can't have you melting all my bras. I do need some to wear." I said in between the kiss.

I tugged at his shirt signalling that I wanted it taken off. He broke the kiss and pulled it over his head. He then removed his belt and pants taking his boxers with them.

I dropped to my knees and put him inside my mouth sucking him in and out. I moved my hands to cup his balls as I pushed my mouth down deeper onto him.

He let out a moan and grabbed the top of my head guiding it down further. I had almost got used to fitting him in my mouth without gagging ... almost.

He suddenly pulled me up off him and spun me around to face the van wall. He pushed me into the wall and pulled my hips towards him.

"Bend over." He said between huffs.

I did as he said and bent forward opening my legs slightly wider so he had more room to enter. He gave my shoulders a squeeze and ran his hands down my back till they gripped onto my waist.

I felt his dick press against me and one of his hand felt around to my face. He slid two fingers down my cheek and into my mouth moving them around quickly before removing them. He put those fingers down in between my legs and rubbed them over my opening.

I let out a moan and moved my legs slightly wider again. He pushed two fingers inside of me and started to pump them in and out. My juices already started to run down his fingers onto his hand.

Suddenly he removed the fingers and replaced them with his dick as he grabbed my waist to pull me back onto him.

"Fuck!" I yelled out as he entered me.

"Does that mean you can feel it?"

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now