Chapter 97 - Memories

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Dabi ripped my hands from my mouth and pulled me into his chest. "Fuck babe, I'm gonna cum!" He said as his movements became less smooth.

Is he just going to ignore the fact that I just fucking screamed another mans name out.... maybe with some kind of dumb luck he didn't hear me....

I finally felt him twitch inside me again. I let out another moan and let my head fall to the bed next to him. My body was aching, I hadn't done this much activity since.... well I can't remember...

Dabi eventually stopped grunting and rolled me over next to him. He let out a sigh of relief and slowly pulled himself out.

"God Dabi that was amazing." I puffed.

He chuckled and rolled his eyes, as if I was lying to him. "That's a better response than what I got the first time I fucked you."

I instantly felt embarrassed and blushed bright red.

Oh god, I probably said something meh average or it was alright...

I ran my hand over his bare chest letting my fingers dance over his skin. When I got to the burnt sections something came over me, like muscle memory and I pushed slightly harder.

"Your getting them back slowly aren't you." Dabi said as he rolled onto his side to face me.

I tried to shrug. "I dono, kinda I guess. What makes you say that?" I asked nervously.

"You knew to push harder on my scars, I can't really feel much anymore because the nerves are so damaged."

"Oh, yeah I guess my body kinda just did that on its own." I chuckled awkwardly.

He chuckled and I let my hand slide up to the tattoo on his chest. The Roman numerals that matched the brand on me. I traced my finger over it.

"And you called me Touya." He smirked, realising I didn't know who it was.

My face was now completely red. "I'm so fucking sorry, I don't even know where that name came from." I said completely embarrassed.

Dabi chuckled again.

Is this fucking funny to you mate!!...

"I told you that name the night you went into that coma. My real name." He lifted his hand to brush the hair out of my face.

My body shivered at his touch, I couldn't believe he still had this effect on me. Even after having sex with him.

"Wait, Touya Todoroki. I remember now." I said quickly sitting up in the bed. I looked over at the office table across from the bed. "And you had a video camera and I thought you wanted to film us having sex or something." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

Dabi chuckled again. "That's hot babe, we can definitely do that sometime if you want."

His hand crept up my back as I tried to remember more.

Then it hit me. Like a wall of memories.

I gasped and cupped my hands over my mouth. "I'm so stupid, I'm so fucking stupid." I said as I began to sob.

Dabi quickly sat up and pulled me into his chest. "What's wrong babe, talk to me." He said in a panic.

I looked up at him, our eyes locked and I knew why he was hurting so much. Why my comment earlier had stung him the way it did.

"We... lost the baby didn't we." I said as my voice broke.

"Yeah, I'm sorry (F/N)." Dabi said. I could feel the pain in his voice. "I almost lost you too." He mumbled.

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