Chapter 105 - A final promise to Twice

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Frank began to take off with a purpose as she ran through the streets looking for Toga. Her head flung from side to side as she checked down each alleyway we went past.

Surely Toga couldn't have gotten this far...

"Woahh girl!" I said pulling back on her pink fluffy coat like a horses reins.

She stopped and knelt down so I could hop off. I jumped back and looked around the street. For some reason this part of town seemed too quiet for the amount of destruction that was happening around it.

Shit... I want to find Toga to help her... but I also need to find the doc so that I can get the antidote ... I need my quirk back... I'm useless without it....



Okay ... more useless without it.... I promise if I get it back I'll train my ass off and be able to fuck shit up....

"Frank!" I yelled turned around to face her. "Do you think Toga will be okay on her own?" I asked pacing back and forth in front of her.

She just stood there and looked at me.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. She's a badass." I said answering my own question. "But what if she's not and something happens to her." I said with a gasp. "Then that's my fault, right Frank?" I asked looking at her again.

Again Frank just stood there. She lifted her right arm up and I stopped to watch what she was trying to tell me.

"Yes girl, I'm listening." I said watching her arm lift up around her head.

She scratched the top of her head and the arm fell back down.

"Yeah, I don't know why I expected anything more than that." I said letting out a puff of air.

"Change of plans girl!" I said tapping my foot on the ground. "Can you find the doc for me?" I asked confidently.

Ill be more helpful to Toga with a quirk....

Well that was my logic anyway. Too bad things just never seem to work out for me.

To my surprise Frank seemed to nod at my command and belt back down so I could hop on her back.

I climbed back on and wrapped my arms around her huge neck. She stood up and paused for a moment.

I looked around and moved my head forward next to hers. "You okay girl?" I asked seeing if there was a particular reason as to why she stopped.

Her body tensed up as she let out a low grunt.

"Eww, did you need to take a dump girl? You could have done that before I got on." I chuckled hearing her continue to grunt.

I heard a noise that I could only liken to my recent successful eye gouge incident. The squelch seemed to be coming from her back near where I was clung on to.

"Ewwww, Frank let me get off!!" I said as I was almost about to let go.

Before I could move two wings pierced out of her back and opened up. They looked like bat wings. She gave them a bit of a shake before jumping into the air.

I was in shock. "What the fuck Frank! You could fly?! This whole time?..." I screamed while I held on for dear life.

Seriously ... Frank's been holding back on me ....

We picked up speed as we tore through the sky. Being the lovely passenger I was I screamed the entire way clinging onto her neck. She paused up in the air and looked over the battle field.

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