Chapter 76 - Mistakes

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Surprise Attack Chapter!

A/N: Hey it's me again! Just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone for reading Mistakes!!! It's now at over 50K reads woohoo! Also thanks everyone for following me too!... enjoy the chapter....


After we had both changed back into our clothes, Dabi told Re-Destro the surveillance was done so we could leave.

I took us back to his apartment. I stood awkwardly at the door wondering what he had for me.

"Wait here." He said as he walked into his bedroom.

My heart was kinda racing, was he going to give me something serious?

I suppose we were just talking about kids and now he's going to give me something... oh god... what do I do?...

He came back with his hands hidden behind his back. He saw my face and immediately frowned. "Stop overthinking!" He yelled.

He held out his hands. He was holding ... wait ... clothes.

"These are some new fireproof clothes from Giran. You did save his life after all." Dabi chuckled. "I suppose he felt like he needed to give you something."

"Oooohhh oh oh cool cool cool." I said trying to not sound like an idiot.

I reached out and grabbed the clothes from Dabi but he held onto them.

"Wait, did you think I was giving you something else?" He asked almost chuckling.

"Ummm nooo?" I said as it sounded like I just asked a question and not given an answer.

"What did you think I would be giving you? I'm not some sappy hopeless romantic type. In fact I couldn't be further from that. Please tell me you know this." He said seriously.

I quickly shock my head. "Yeah of course. It's just that..."

You were talking about not minding if we had children so casually ....

"It's nothing. Thanks." I said faking a smile.

He let go of the clothes and I held onto them, bringing them closer to my chest. "I had fun, thanks for letting me tag along to your stakeout." I chuckled.

I went to turn around but before I could Dabi grabbed onto my arm firmly. "(F/N), I..." he said before he paused.

We looked into each other's eyes almost mesmerised by each other, I didn't want to ruin the moment but I also needed to tell him how I felt.

"No Dabi please let me say something first." I said clearing my throat with a light cough. "I... I still love you, I never lost those feelings I had for you."

His grip on my arm loosened and I felt my cheeks burn a deep shade of red. "Anyway, it's late and I..."

Before I could finish my sentence he pulled me into a kiss. It was quick but I knew what he wanted to tell me with it. He pulled away slowly letting his lips hover over mine before he spoke.

"Goodnight (F/N)." He said before he closed his door.

I stood there processing what just happened. I hugged the clothes tighter to my chest.

Hmmm he didn't say it back... but he did kiss me...

I spun around with a grin on my face and walked back to my room.


It had been a couple of days since the stakeout and we were all assembled late at night to listen to an urgent piece of information from Re-Destro.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now