Chapter 73 - Tempt Me

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Wait... I can't see.... Right so if what my dad said was true .... I'm about to become even more useless than normal and pass out....

"Dabi ... I think I've reached the limit of my quirk..." I said rubbing my eyes with one of my hands while clinging onto Dabi with the other.

I felt Dabi's grip around me tighten. "It's okay babe, I've got it from here. You did great."

I felt my heart skip a beat at his praise. A flame spun around Dabi's hand however all I could see was a blue blur.

"You sit back and enjoy the show babe, gotta keep some stamina stored up for when we get back." He said slyly as he shot the flame out again.

And his minds back in the gutter....

I started to get my vision back as I saw the collision of the ice and fire in front of us. Geten ran towards us after the steam from the fire and ice cleared.

That was until we heard someone call out.

"Geten stop!" The voice yelled from the distance.

Geten stopped in his tracks and pulled his hoodie off so he could focus in on the person yelling out to him.

"It's over! The boss lost." The voice echoed through the now quiet streets.

Wait... so Shigaraki won?...

"No... there's no way." Geten said through gritted teeth.

"Looks like Shigaraki really came through." Dabi said turning to me.

He still held onto me with his arm as he kept his guard up with Geten still in front of us.

"It's over!" Mr Compress yelled running over to us with Spinner.

I let out a sigh of relief.

I'm surprised none of us died...

Then we heard a commotion coming towards us. Dozens of Twice copies were falling over each other as they ran towards us.

"Woah, woah Twice. Slow down the fight over!" Spinner yelled as he held his hands up defensively.

It wasn't until he got closer I realised what he was doing.

Wait is he crying?...

"It's my precious Toga! She's dead!!!!" He cried as he ran over to us.

No....he's lying...

I felt my grip on Dabi tighten. We all couldn't speak, we just listened to Twice cry out. When he got closer to us he collapsed and sobbed into his arms.

"Where is she?" Mr Compress asked leaning down to check Twice.

"I took her to the Doc, but....." Twice said before he broke into an uncontrollable and hysterical sob again.

My heart hurt, Toga was my best friend here in the league.

Wow I feel sick... like literally sick to my stomach... am I gonna puke?...

Suddenly I felt something inside my mouth. I let go of Dabi to cover my mouth when a black tar like substance came out. I couldn't talk, only gasp for air as I watched the same thing happen to the others that we were standing with.

As soon as it engulfed our bodies it subsided and disappeared. We were back in the base, Shigaraki appeared next to us.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked coughing from the stuff that had just come out of my mouth.

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