Chapter 85 - Orange is the new black

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I watched him swallow the grey... chicken and raised an eyebrow.

Dabi told me some members were captured a while ago... must be one of them...

"Thanks for that save Muscular, I'm ..." I said before he cut me off.

"Enchantress right? We don't have any news or contact to the outside world here. But when new people come the usually tell us what's been going on. You've been causing quite the stir." He smirked taking another bite of the chicken slosh. He continued to talk with his mouthful. "Some of these losers even claim to have slept with you, it's okay though we're only allowed out at lunch and dinner so I'll be here to help ya out." He chewed with his mouth open.

Ehhhhhh .... sad thing is muscular they probably did sleep with me...

I tried not to stare. He looked down at his empty bowl and then over to my full one. "You done?" He asked licking his lips.

I nodded and pushed the tray to him.

He continued to eat my food and talk. "I can't help you when your supposed to shower though, that's when we get separated. There's not many women here though so you should be okay. The guards have to watch you too so there's usually no funny business." He said looking over to the other inmates.

I tried to steady my breathing and focus on my situation at hand.

"Wait wasn't there another league member here too?" I asked looking around the room.

He looked behind him as if to ensure no one was listening. "Yeah, moonfish. He's on death row though so we won't see him. Same with all for one." He said casually.

Those names sound familiar.... fuck I'm so thick... I need to pay more attention....

He chuckled to himself as he remembered one more member. "Ohh and overhauls completely lost the plot. They hardly let him out, complete nut job."

He was the one my dad tried to sell me too, oh and the one Mr Compress wanted revenge on...

"Right... so that's it there's no way out?" I asked looking around the room.

"Nope." He said taking another bite. "Only way people leave here is dead or dying to go to the hospital.

Ehhhh fuck...

"Damn." I said trying to think of how else Dabi could come save me, this was provided he even knew I was missing yet.

"Yeah." He said before another buzzer alarm sounded. "That's time, night Enchantress." He said quickly standing up from his seat and walking towards his cell.

I did the same and returned to my room. The door closed and I sat on my bed.

Maybe if I don't eat they'll have to take me to hospital... no they probably have medical staff here, I would only go out to the hospital if it was an emergency....

I sat there staring at the wall until another buzzer sounded. "Women may now use the showers for their allocated break time." The announcement said.

I rolled my eyes and stood up as the door opened.

I'm assuming I get given a toothbrush and towel?... and soap?... don't drop the soap (F/N)  whatever you do for fucks sake don't drop the fucking soap... wait maybe that's just a guy thing....

I followed the other women to the showers. There was maybe 5 or 6 other women. One of the guards called out to me and handed me a towel, soap and a toothbrush.

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