Chapter 84 - Betrayed

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I closed my eyes trying to focus on my situation. The shackles around my wrists and ankles clanked as the van took corners or rode over bumps in the road.

I was on my way to Tartarus, I heard the driver say that before. I hadn't spoken a single word to anyone since the hero's found me. I figured saying anything at this point would only make my situation worse. Part of me was praying for Hawks to be the hero called to arrest me. Turns out they didn't expect me to be zip tied to the desk.

What made matters worse was the only chance I had at a rescue was now, being transported to Tartarus. Too bad the only person that knew I was captured was the person who got me captured.

Temptress, I was still in shock. After she left I realised the Fukomi brothers were the ones I met on the night of my first mission. The night Dabi saved me from Danzo, I guess no one was there to save Naomi.

I rested my elbows on my thighs and crouched forward leaning my head onto my hands, pushing them into my forehead. I guess I learnt a valuable lesson, in this line of work I can't trust anyone.

The van stopped and I lifted my head off my hands slowly and lent back on the van wall to see if I could hear anyone... or anything.

"Did they analyse what was is that syringe near her?" One of the guards asked.

"The lab results just came back, they think it's some kind of quirk eraser but a permanent one. Some kid from UA was hit with the same thing." Another said.

"So you really think this is actually the enchantress? From the league?" The first guard asked.

"That's what the hero's said when we picked her up. She's been pretty quiet." The other said tapping the side of the van.

I turned my head to the doors as I heard them unlock. They swung open and one of the guards climbed into the back grabbing my shakes between my wrists as he lead me out. I stumbled out and was immediately blinded by the bright sun in the middle of the sky.

It must be midday?... maybe later?...

"Have you got her belongings?" The other guard asked.

Shit I didn't even think of that.... my phone.... fuck... I remember them taking it but... fuck...

I saw a clear ziplock with my phone sitting in the bottom of it and my jacket slung over his arm.

"The chief should be here soon and I think Endeavor wanted to talk to her himself." He said leading me to the front of the building.

I looked up and took it in, the place was huge. I noticed the detail in security, robots or machines that also patrolled the perimeter. It's no wonder no one has ever escaped. I heard this place goes well below sea level, they put the worst criminals down there, at the bottom.

The guards walked me to the entrance and down a long hallway. I couldn't stop thinking about Temptress, about what had just happened. They lead me into an interrogation room and hook my shackles onto the table in front of me so I couldn't escape. They left the door open and walked out to talk.

I could just make out what they were saying.

"Endeavor should be here soon, did you want to keep her here or take her to her room first?" One of the guards asked.

"Let's just wait, he shouldn't be too long." The other instructed.

It felt like hours went by. The room was blank, nothing on the walls not even a clock. A two way mirror in front of me and I could only assume the place was covered in cameras.

Suddenly I felt a strong presence enter the room. I looked over to the door and saw Endeavor stride in. I had never seen him in person before, he was so .....intense.

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