Authors Notes

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Hey everyone, it's Mal!!

Firstly I just wanted to thank you all so much for reading Mistakes and falling in love with the characters as much as I did. From the people that began the journey when I posted the first few chapters, to the ones that have binge read it in a few days or less! (And that's impressive because Wattpad tells me it should take you over 15hrs to read it so hats off to you!) Thank you all so much for your support.

I absolutely love reading your comments they really made the book that much more enjoyable to read!!! And I loved reading them after I posted a chapter, I would wait up all night on my phone just reading through them.

I had a few people message me the same question which I thought might be fun to write on here.

How did I come up with the plot for this story;

Okay this might sound bad but I actually only really plotted the story out to about chapter 6. And that was literal dot points like.
- meet Dabi in club
- have one night stand
- sell engagement ring
- steal car
That's kinda what I went off for the chapters but I really only had an idea for the first few. The rest I kinda just let the story take me there. This kinda made it hard though because I tried to update it pretty regularly, because I didn't want you to forget what had previously happened.

For some of the later chapters I kinda got some inspiration from particular songs, I was almost going to put some in as suggestions for when reading the chapters but I decided against it. But some I actually made the chapter titles. (That maybe a good little Easter egg if you wanted to read the story again 😜)


I had multiple alternate endings for this book. One was ending it at chapter 21 but I'm super glad I didn't, cause I just fell in love with the idea of Dabi and (F/N).

I was even going to end it after (F/N) lost her memories and I had a super sad ending written up but I hated it, because I loved them so much 😭😭😭 and they needed to be together forever!!!!

Ahhhh anyway. Thanks again, your all amazing!! Thanks for coming on this journey full of mistakes.

Thank you for reading!! 🥰

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