Chapter 20 - Catching Feels?

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I cringed as Dabi helped walk me to the shower. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably when I heard him snicker.

"I really did a number on you didn't I?" He smirked proudly.

Once I was in the shower I used the walls to brace myself and pushed him out.

"Hey don't get mad at me babe, I'm helping you get over Adam or Andy or whatever his name was." He said pushing his chest against my hands.

"Alex?" I said rolling my eyes. "Yeah thanks." I said sarcastically.

"You did tell me that's what you were using me for." He said turning the water on.

I slowly moved under the warm water and felt more relaxed. I closed my eyes and ran my hands from my face over my forehead and down to my hair. I let out a sigh and stood there for a moment totally forgetting Dabi was there.

His chest pressed against my back and I opened my eyes turning to face him still under the water. He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my forehead. "I didn't mean to be so rough. I really thought you were just going to say his name, I wanted to see how far I could push you."

I gently touched his chest and rested my head against it. "It's okay I think it actually did help, I don't have those feelings for him anymore the only feelings I have for him are hatred and betrayal."

We stayed like this for a moment longer while I was deep in thought. "I just want to move on. I feel like I have a fresh start with the league." I said quietly.

He hugged me a little tighter before letting go and hopping out of the shower to dry himself.

I let out a small sigh and closed my eyes again.

Fuck Jas! I need to get back home...

I opened my eyes and fell onto the floor when the walls suddenly disappeared. I was laying naked soaking wet in front of our front door.

"Shit!" I yelled as I got up and started to bang on the door.

Have I completely lost control of my quirk... I didn't mean I needed to be home right now!

"Jas! Jas! Let me in quick!!" I said banging.

She slowly opened the door with a yawn, her hair was a mess and she had some dried vomit on her shirt.

I quickly got in and closed the door.

She blinked a few times and rubber her eyes before walking back to bed. "I think I'm still drunk, it looks like your naked." She said groggily.

I laughed awkwardly "Yeah that's definitely it." I hobbled to my room and got dried and changed.

Luckily Jasmine forgot all about the food I had promised her. I literally couldn't walk or sit for the remainder of the weekend.

I never did tell Jasmine the whole story I figured it was probably for the best.


It was finally Monday and Jasmine had just returned home from work, I was laying on the couch watching tv and scrolling through my phone.

My mum had been trying to call me for the last few days, probably to talk about my break up or because I lost my job. I chose to ignore her again and kept watching TV.

"Honey I'm home." She smiled as she walked in.

I quickly got up and lent over the couch to face her. "Hey Jas can I ask you a question." I said almost falling over the couch.

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