Chapter 6 - Girl you drive stick?

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I was waiting near the casino dressed in a very revealing navy dress as instructed. I wore a pair of Jasmines platform stilettos and one of her push up bras to help boost my assets. I even got my make up and hair done before coming for the interview. I gripped tightly onto my purse while I was waiting to hear back from Dabi.

"You scrub up okay." A familiar voice called out to me.

I turned around and looked at Dabi, he looked hot. He was wearing his long dark coat white shirt and black pants.

"So wait, do you work here too?" I asked looking at the casino.

"Nope. I didn't actually mean you would be getting a job here." He said looking over at the casino.

"Oh." I said slightly disappointed.

"Nah, my boss might want you to help with some.." he paused for a moment looking for the right words. "Undercover work."

"Ooooo so I'll be like a spy? Wait does that mean we will be working together?" I asked looking at Dabi.

"Yeah I guess." He said kinda uninterested. "Depends how you go in this mission."

"Oh right, okay so what have I gotta do? Find a poker mob boss or seduce a villain and get him to confess to some ungodly crimes." I said getting excited.

Dabi laughed, "You really have no idea do you,"

"No idea about what?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Nothing, so you need to get us a car." He said seriously.

"Oh like go buy one? Sure do you have money?" I asked looking around for a car shop.

He laughed again. "No, I need you to get us a car." He said walking up grabbing my shoulders and spinning me around to face the casino car park.

"Woah isn't that illegal." I said looking at the cars.

"Not for us, just make sure it's fast. Meet me back here with it in 15 minutes." He said giving my shoulders a squeeze.

I was about to say something else when I feel his lips press on my ear. It sends a shock wave through me and I start breathing faster.

"You said you hotwired a car before right?" He said as his hands slid from my shoulders down to my waist. "I would really hate to have to kill you if you fuck this up." He said giving my ass a slap before he walked off behind me.

Shit, how the fuck at I supposed to get a car. Yeah good one (F/N) tell em you can Hotwire a car. Wait did he just say he would kill me...

I took a deep breath in and started to walk over to the parked cars. I noticed my body started to shake as I tried to focus on walking in a straight line.

I just needed to go for an older car, it would be easier to Hotwire right? Fuck I have no idea what I'm doing.

I walked past the front of the casino towards the car park when I hear an engine rev as it downshifts to stop in front of me.

Damn, now that's a fast car. I thought to myself looking at the sports car that had pulled up next to me.

The man hops out and walks around the other side of the car waiting for the concierge. Maybe I could get this car, he didn't say it needed to be any particular car... just fast.

The man notices me checking his car out and proudly speaks up. "Like what you see huh?" He said leaning back on the passenger door.

"Yeah, is this the new Lotus?" I asked pretending to not really know. "I'm a huge lotus fan." This wasn't really a lie.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now