Chapter 10 - Accomplice

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It was early morning and I fumble around my room trying to get rid of any evidence of the mistake I made last night.

I held up my ruined dress and sighed shoving it in a black garbage bag. I pick up what was left of the bra I borrowed from Jasmine. It was almost completely incinerated.

She's gonna be soooo mad.

I rip my sheets off and roll them into a ball and bring them and the garbage bag into the laundry. I put my sheets in to be washed and look at the bag letting out a sigh.

"Someone got lucky last night. I suppose the job interview went well?" Jasmine asked blocking the laundry door exit.

"Oh yeah I got the job I suppose that is pretty lucky." I said quickly hiding the bag behind my back.

"That wasn't the lucky bit I was referring to." She said looking at my sheets in the washer.

"I..I don't know what your talking about." I said hoping she wouldn't see the bag behind me.

"Babe you can totally drop the act, I heard everything last night." She said leaning against the door frame. "Everything ...." she said with a shiver.

I instantly turn red and drop the bag behind me. I cover my face with my hands. "It's not what you think... okay well maybe it was. But it won't happen again." I let out a grunt. "Jasmine I've done something bad."

She tilted her head at me. "Having a one night stand isn't bad (F/N), unless it was with Alex. That asshole doesn't even deserve to look at you." She said angrily.

"No it wasn't Alex, and technically it wasn't a one night stand." I said letting out a sigh.

"What? Have you been seeing someone and not told me?" She asked quickly. "You've only been broken up with Alex for like not even a week."

"I know, I know! He's not a good guy Jas, but there's something about him... and I just can't seem to stay away from him." I said stepping back almost tripping over the bag.

"Stop comparing him with Alex, just because he might not be a "pro hero" doesn't mean he's not a good guy." She walked over and tried to grab the bag from behind me.

"It's not that, I mean he's bad news Jas." I said trying to pull the bag back off her.

I can't tell her he's a villain can I ... wait I'm a villain now too right?

"Is that my bra? Why is it melted..." Jasmine said pulling it out and examining it. She chuckled to herself and threw it over to me. "You have been having some hot sex."

"Ugh you should see my dress." I said giving up and handing her the bag.

Jasmine pulled out the dress and looked at it. "This man sounds like an animal, doesn't he know that this is Chanel?" She said looking it over.

"Reckon I could fix it?" I asked optimistically.

"Not a chance girl it's gone like my bra. Please tell me my shoes survived this sex predictor." She laughed throwing them back into the bag.

"Yeah they are completely unharmed." I laughed taking the bag back off her.

Thanks to my pyjama shorts Jasmine then spotted the hickey on my leg and flicked it with her finger.

"Owe What was that for." I said defensively grabbing her arm and rubbing my leg.

"Look I'm happy your having fun and that your getting over Alex, but please tell me you've at least been safe with this guy." She said pulling her arm free of my grip.

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