Chapter 26 - Threats

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Toga, Frank and I continued to visit the rest of the gangs on our list before heading back to the bar. We decided that Frank should stay with us for the other visits instead of waiting outside... just in case.

Somehow we managed to recruit all the gangs we were instructed to visit. We made our way back to the bar.

I shook the sleeve of my jacket noticing it had blood on it from Franks attack earlier. Frank was also covered in blood, the pink coat we had got her was practically ruined. This was probably also due to the fact that it was about 12 sizes too small. Toga also had some blood splatters across her white schoolgirl uniform although it didn't seem to bother her.

We get back to the bar and Toga knocks on the door.

"Does Frank just wait here?" I asked Toga quickly noticing there was no way she was getting through that small door.

She turned to me as Spinner opened the door. "Hmm I suppose." She said tilting her head at Frank.

I reached an arm out and patted Frank on the arm. "Thanks for your help girl, you'll have to stay out here though." I smiled at Frank.

I shouldn't have been surprised that I got absolutely no response from the Nomu but I did let out a little sigh anyway.

I followed Toga inside and noticed we were the last to return.

"Whoa you guys are covered in blood, did you fight someone? The blood suits you Toga you look good!" Twice yelled as we walked in to stand with the others.

Shigaraki seemed to ignore the fact that we were covered in blood and got straight to the point. "How did you go?" He asked as I handed him the files back.

"Yeah we did great, everyone wanted to join no questions asked." I said with a smile. "Except for the first group, I mean they came around in the end but it wasn't pretty." I said awkwardly as Toga started to laugh.

I couldn't help but look over at Dabi who cracked a smile while shaking his head.

Shigaraki looked up at us slightly confused and I figured I should finish the story. "So Frank didn't come with an instruction manual, when you said she would do what I said I didn't know how literal that was." I said as I started to wave my hands in the air to tell the story.

Toga continued to laugh and then chimed in. "Big sis (F/N) then said Frank will rip you limb from limb."

I cut back in. "You know, like as in threatening them. Next minute Franks torn through the wall and ripped this guys arm off." I said mimicking how Frank came into the room. "If you ask me the guy was a creep though and totally deserved it." I shrugged as I finished my explanation.

Omg am I gonna get fired? Wait... can villains get fired from being a villain...

"And Frank is the Nomu..." Toga said with a nod.

There was an intense awkward silence as the information was digested by Shigaraki until he began to laugh. The rest of the room joined in on the manic laughing. I uncomfortably started to chuckle too not knowing what the fuck was going on.

"Great work (F/N), Toga. Maybe this calls for celebratory drinks?" He said standing up from his chair.

Oh yeah, I could definitely use a drink.

By this time it was night as we all walked the back alley. Kurogiri opted to stay at the bar instead of joining the rest of us for a drink.

"Is it really okay for us all to just be walking around like this?" I asked as we walked through the shady alley.

Dabi walked over to me and bumped into my arm as we walked causing me to slightly lose balance. His hands remained in his pockets and I looked up at him. I couldn't help but smile after seeing the grin pull at the side of his mouth. My mind immediately went south as I started to imagine him on top of me... naked.

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