Chapter 44 - Fuck Boys

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It felt like my heart shattered and I began to see red.

"Sold for eight thousand and five hundred dollars." The announcer yelled slamming a hammer down on the podium in front of him.

The loud bang of the hammer broke their kiss and Dabi finally saw me looking at him. Ren on the other hand was still fixated on Dabi. His face fell when he realised I had seen their kiss.

I just wanted to leave. I didn't want to be in this room any longer. Chase's hand glided over my neck as he grabbed hold of the back of it.

If I use my quirk now I'll take chase with me... shit...

"Next up we have..." the announcer said before I began to block him out.

Dabi was about to stand up when Ren stopped him pressing her lips back onto his.

"Fuck you Dabi." I said turning around to Chase.

I leaned in and grabbed the back of his neck pressing our lips together. He pulled me in closer using the hand on the back of my neck while the other ran down the inside of my leg.

I fucking can't believe Dabi! I won't believe any more of his bullshit.... our relationship is so fucked!!!

I felt my mouth open as our tongues met. I was so angry and I just wanted to forget about Dabi and make him jealous. Let him see what he just lost.

Reality pulled me back and I pushed Chase off me. "Thanks, but I've had my fun." I said getting up from my seat.

"Wait." Chase said as I completely ignored him.

"Going for Sixteen thousand do I hear sixteen and a half?." The announcer yelled.

Shit that's expensive...

I turned to face the stage and saw a girl slumped over on the chair with her legs and arms bound in rope. Her hair hung over her face and she looked skinny like she hadn't eaten for a couple of days.

I was about to keep walking when the lights hit a bracelet on her wrist and shone right into my eyes. A man lifted her head back and I was about to see her face when Chase stood up and grabbed my arm.

"Come on, (F/N). Your not going back to Dabi are you?" He asked. "Not after that shit he just pulled, your one of us." He smirked.

I looked back over again and they were still making out at the table.

What the fuck is he doing!!!

Suddenly I felt another arm on my other shoulder.

"That's about enough Chase." Dabi said causing me to snap my head over to him.

Wait if he's here than who's over there making out with Ren?...

I tried to pull out of Dabi's grip. "Fuck you! Get off me."

"Chase, long time no see." Dabi said ignoring me and tightening his grip. "I dono what you showed her with that quirk of yours but if you fucking so much as touch her again I'll incinerate you." He said staring down Chase.

"Showed me what? What do you mean?" I asked still stuck between Dabi and Chase's grip.

"Chase's quirk is mind manipulation, he can show you whatever he wants as long as he's touching you." Dabi said tightening his grip on my arm.

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