Chapter 88 - Dabi's Truth

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I felt a warm touch on my shoulder and I jolt awake.

"Shit sorry babe." Dabi said sitting on the side of the bed. "I didn't realise how hard I pressed down on you then." He chuckled.

Dabi... thank god it wasn't a dream...

"Dabi!" I yelled quickly pushing myself up to cuddle into him.

He chuckled and pressed me into his chest. I took in his scent and closed my eyes.

God I missed him....

"You saved me, I knew you would." I smiled as I pulled up from his chest.

I suddenly looked around the room. This was Dabi's room but... "Woah!" I said taken back from the state of the room. "Did you have a frat party in here while I was gone?" I chuckled seeing all the empty beer bottles and spirits.

"Would it surprise you if I said I actually cleaned this place up a bit while you were asleep." He sighed as he looked around as well.

"You've got a drinking problem." I chuckled.

Oh the irony...

"I have noooo problem drinking. Your the alcoholic." He laughed passing me some water.

I didn't realise how thirsty I was until he handed me the water. I took a small sip followed by a longer one, gulping it down like it was the last time I would ever have it.

I blushed slightly. "Not anymore I guess." I said placing a hand on my stomach.

I let out a small sigh as my thoughts began to spiral. But then I felt his hand cover mine, like he knew. He knew I was about to free fall into my emotions and plunge into my usual state of overthinking everything.

"I'm so sorry Dabi. I didn't know." I said softly.

I didn't really remember much about when he saved me so I wasn't entirely sure what I had told him and what I hadn't.

"It's okay baby." He said running his fingers along my hand.

His voice calmed me, bought me back down to earth.

"They were taking me to the hospital because I'm pregnant and they thought the quirk erasing bullet I was hit with might have effected our baby. Temptress, she..." I stopped myself.

Just saying her name hurt me, pulled me apart. If there was even the slightest chance she had hurt this baby, I knew what I was going to do. Provided Dabi didn't beat me to it.

"Everyone's out looking for her. I promise you she'll pay for this." He said taking in a deep breath.

I looked around at the empty bottles. "I didn't even do anything to her, she was after my father. She's the one who my ex cheated on me with, she's the one who got me fired from my job and now she's the one who...." I couldn't hold back the tears as they fell from my eyes.

My hands began to shake and I pushed myself back into the safety of Dabi's chest. He tried to hug me back but he was stiff. I felt his muscles tense as I continued to cry into him. As much as I hated crying over her, it was nice to not be crying alone in a cell.

"Have I seen the doc yet?" I asked trying to gather myself as I wipe the tears and snot from my face.

"You fell asleep on the way back. When you feel up to it we can go see him." He said as his muscles relaxed slightly.

"Can we go now?" I quickly replied.

"You sure? You should probably rest a little longer." Dabi said running his thumb across my cheek to help wipe the rest of the tears away.

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