Chapter 58 - Coming clean

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No fucking way...

Alex continued to wait at the door for Jasmine to open it. He was in his hero outfit but thankfully I felt nothing. No lustful thoughts or anything, I was definitely over Alex. Dabi on the other hand...

The door suddenly opened and I felt my heart start to race.

"Oh Jasmine good ..." Alex began to say before a hand slapped across his face.

The slap echoed through the apartment floor as she retracted her hand.

"You have some fucking nerve coming here, after how you treated (F/N)." She spat angrily.

I felt my tense body immediately relax after watching Jas's reaction.

Yes girl!...Thank god...

"Let me guess..." Jas said before Alex could get a word in. "Your getting worried the news will hear that your ex is now a villain? So you came here to ask me to be quiet?"

Alex rubbed the side of his cheek. "Basically, something like that. It could ruin my career Jas."

What career... he's like not even in the top 100 hero's or whatever...

"Don't fucking call me Jas, your no friend of mine. I told (F/N) she should have sold her story to someone, but she didn't. She chose to spare your pathetic ass. God knows why." She yelled. "Now she's living her best life without you."

"She's a villain Jas... I mean Jasmine. She's killed people." Alex said trying to win her over.

"At least she's happy." Jas said bluntly trying to defend my actions.

"Have you seen her, since she's been with the league?" Alex asked.

Jasmine laughed and didn't respond.

"Well if you see her again would you let me know? I think she's been brainwashed by the villains or something." Alex said scratching the back of his head.

Jasmine continued to laugh. "Even if I did know where (F/N) was you would be the last person on earth I would tell."

"You need to be careful around her Jasmine, she's not the same (F/N) we knew before." He said softly.

"Don't you dare show your face here again you lying, cheating piece of shit." Jas said before she slammed the door in his face.

I was trying so hard not to laugh and give away my position. Alex stood there for a moment before he let out a loud sigh and walked back to the elevator.

I waited for a moment before I returned to Jasmines front door. I lightly knocked.

"You got a death wish Alex?" Jas said as she opened the door.

The anger immediately washed away from her face as she looked at me. She lent forward and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh my god (F/N), your okay." She said softly into my shoulder as we hugged.

She quickly pulled me inside and closed the door behind her. I was kinda lost for words. When I saved her from the black market auctions she was still coming down off the drugs so we didn't really talk.

"I heard you just talk to Alex then, thanks for that." I chuckled.

Jas smiled and rubbed her shoulder. "It's the least I could do after you saved me. That was you wasn't it? I knew you looked after me." Her eyes were getting teary as she took in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I left so suddenly, that guy I was telling you about. Turned out he was a league member. But I don't care Jas, I really like him. Well I told him I loved him the other week." I sighed.

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