Chapter 47 - Sweat it out

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I fell back onto the bar and opened my eyes wide to try and focus on him.

"You!" I said trying to grab his shirt but missed and instead clutched at the air. "You don't need my help apparently." I slurred. "I made out with your friend so I'm ..." I fell back onto the bar again and to the floor.


Did I just black out...

Dabi picked me up and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me onto him. His touch was always so warm. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I may have micro napped a couple of times while he picked me up.

"What happened to you?" Dabi asked as I flung my eyes open.

He was carrying me in his arm as my head rested against his chest. He had patched himself up and didn't even look like he was just in a fight.

"I ... I'm not sure...." I said rubbing my eyes with my hands. "I rescued Jas...." I paused in thought.

I killed someone ...

"Then why did you get so drunk?" Dabi asked not realising yet that I was slightly worse than just drunk.

"She was looking for me, that's why she got caught up in all this." I said moving my hand from my eyes to tug on Dabi's shirt. "I thought you hated me."

He took a deep breath in. "I don't hate you, I'm angry.. yeah." He said rolling his eyes. "But I know what Chase's quirk feels like, so no I don't blame you for hooking up with him. I'm just pissed I didn't recognise him before it all happened." He said with a huff.

Does he mean that?...

"Do you have some water? My throats so dry." I slurred.

"We're almost home can you wait?" He asked walking up some stairs.

I closed my eyes again and tried to relax. I didn't realise it but I was itching my neck when I opened my eyes again. Dabi had set me down on the couch and was closing the door.

The blood that was on the floor was now gone. He must have cleaned it while I was gone.

"Dabi I..." I began to say.

He walked over to where I was sitting. "It's okay, you don't need to be sorry." He said rolling his eyes again.

"I.. I'm gonna be sick." I said running to the toilet.

I managed to make it just in time to empty my guts. I placed my hands either side of the bowl as I continued to vomit. I heard Dabi walk in and stand at the door. I coughed a few times and spat in the bowl.

There was a bit of an awkward silence as I continued to cough.

"I killed someone." I managed to say before the mere mention of my actions made me vomit again.

My body started to shake and I felt cold. Not normal cold, cold like I was covered in ice. I was shivering as I continued to spew.

"Your not just drunk are you?" Dabi asked walking over and knitting his fingers into my hair to help hold my head up.

"I killed someone." I said again letting my head lay limp as Dabi held it up. "I shot him.... and I didn't care."

Dabi kept his hand on the back of my head as the other took my jacket off. He searched the pockets and pulled out my phone and the pill bottle. He read the bottle and let out a sigh.

"How many did you take?" He asked opening the lid and looking inside.

"I dono, a couple I think. Can you create some fire it's really cold in here." I asked.

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