Chapter 31 - Bounty 🍋

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I looked at the poster for a little longer. I turned it over and looked at the other side, it was just blank.

"This is some kinda prank, it's funny but I'm not in the mood Dabi." I said pushing the paper back onto his chest.

"That's the thing babe, it ain't a joke. A cartel on the east side have put up a bounty for you." He said taking the paper from me and putting it in his pocket.

I shook my head. "Mmmm nope, must be another (F/N), (L/N)." I said turning to walk back into the rain.

He pulled me back under the cover. "You do realise what this means? Everyone will be looking for you, you have a fucking 8 Million dollar bounty. Who the fuck wants you for 8 million?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Ohhh I get it now, you couldn't go on your lil date causes you were worried about lil old me?" I said with a cocky smile.

"And I knew you were shit at self defence, I mean you would lose a fight to an elderly man." He said rolling his eyes.

"I have a quirk ya know. I can get outta a sticky situation. Admit it you saw the flyer and an emotion you keep buried deep down inside you ignited. You felt worried for me because you like me." I said flicking my soaking wet hair over my shoulder.

He lunged forward and grabbed me by the throat pushing me into the side of the building we were standing in front of.

"Let's get this straight. Firstly I don't like you, I did this for the league. You get caught and they torture you for information you'll rat us out, I have no doubt about that. Secondly use your quirk? You don't even use your quirk now, your walking in the middle of the fucking rain. And thirdly I would be fucking that other chick right now not having a second thought about you if I hadn't seen that poster." He yelled at me pushing me into the wall more.

I could feel the tears swelling in the corners of my eyes but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me actually cry. He slowly let me go and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Well that was pretty blunt...

"Your such an asshole Dabi you know that." I said trying not to cry still. "Your no better than Alex." I yelled walking back into the rain.

I heard him let out a grunt behind me and start to follow me again.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled back to him over the rain.

He grabbed my shoulder and I turned around to face him.

"What! What do you want?" I yelled until he forced his lips down on mine.

I tried to keep my eyes open but the rain was starting to come down harder. I gave up and closed my eyes using my quirk to get us back to Dabi's.

I pushed him off as we opened our eyes to see we were back in his apartment. "Stop it Dabi, I've had enough of this on and off non relationship crap, it's emotionally draining. I have enough cash I'll just rent another apartment because clearly we can't coexist here." I said walking over to pack my bag.

He was silent for a moment while I started to pack.

"Wait." He said finally speaking up.

I dramatically stopped and turned to face him. "Whatttt." I said drawing out my response.

"Your really gonna make me say it." He said quietly.

"I'm not making you say anything, I'm leaving." I said rolling my eyes as I was about to turn back and continue packing.

"Wait, you were right." He said causing me to stop and stand up and listen to him. "I got scared, of how I felt about you. So I thought I could change those feelings by sleeping with Ren. But I never messaged her. She was never coming over."

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