Chapter 78 - Use Me

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"D.... Dabi?...oh my god..." I muttered as my eyes met his.

He grunted and rolled onto his side so he could move his head over to the bucket.

"You look awful." I said cringing.

I had never seen Dabi like this... ever.

"I feel awful, how are you not hungover." Dabi said gagging slightly. "You drunk twice as much as me too."

Hey he's got a point... I'm usually the one that's a mess... maybe it was Hawks delicious omelette... I mean it was okay... the okay omelette...

"I guess I can just hold my liquor better than you." I chuckled as I walked out into the kitchen.

I grabbed a damp cloth, some pain killers and a bottle of water and returned to his room. I sat next to him on the edge of the bed and handed him the tablets and water.

"Here, take these and try and drink as much water as you can." I said ensuring he actually took the tablets.

He smirked. "Oh how the tables have turned, your the one looking after me now."

He sat up more and I gently pressed the damp cloth to his forehead.

"I don't even remember getting back here." Dabi said with a low moan. "Do you?"

Oh boy... does he remember giving Hawks his blessing to take me home?...

"I actually didn't come back here." I said awkwardly.

He didn't really reply, instead he pulled the bucket closer to himself.

"I ugh... stayed at Hawks." I said trying to not make it sound as crazy as it did.

"Huh? Why?" He asked quickly. "Oh wait, yeah I do remember talking to Hawks about you. Yeah that's right."

Soooo he really did just leave me with him... just like that... wow...

"You really just trusted him to look after me and not take advantage of me. I was super drunk." I said with concern.

He shrugged. "Your a big girl, you can handle yourself."

I paused for a moment while I remembered what Hawks said.

Is Dabi just using me?...

My face sank as I lowered my hand from his forehead. "I just thought... maybe you might have been worried or something?"

He let out a sigh. "(F/N) We've been over this before, there's no happy ending for us. We're villains, your main priority should be looking after yourself."

I began to squeeze the cloth in my hands frustrated by his words. "I know, I just thought..."

"You thought that this time around would be different? Well it's not, I like having sex with you and I'm happy to be exclusive but I don't label shit." He said almost getting angry.

"Right, sorry." I said quickly jumping off the bed. "You just made it sound like we maybe had something more the other night."

Dabi let out another sigh. "(F/N), wait."

I walked to the door and paused. It hurt, him telling me all that shit. It hurt more than I would have ever imagined.

I looked back over my shoulder to him.

"Look I'm sorry, sometimes when we're together I get a bit carried away. Your more than just sex to me though, so please don't get the wrong idea." Dabi grunted.

I pushed the palm of my hand into my forehead. "Do you even like me? One minute your telling me you don't care if we have kids, next your saying we're really only fuck buddies and now your telling me I'm more than that?" I let out a sigh. "I think you need to ask yourself what I really mean to you. I love you Dabi and I understand we won't be able to walk down the aisle together one day but I at least deserved to be loved back. Don't you think?" I said softly before I left the room.

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