Chapter 36 - Daddys Girl

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Am I dead?

I felt a hard cold surface on my cheek. I could hear my breathing whistle through my nose. I slowly opened my eyes to see a blur in front of me. I went to move my hand to my face to wipe my eyes but realised they were still tied up as were my legs.

The chair had been knocked over and I was laying on the side with my cheek on the ground.

Fuck I'm still here... well that plan of mine didn't work at all..

I heard the door open and decided to play dead shutting my eyes quickly.

"Is she still out?" I heard my father ask someone.

"Yeah boss." Someone else grunted.

"So whatcha think Overhaul, she talks a lot of smack but her quirk would be a perfect compliment to your own." My father asked as I could hear his footsteps come closer.

There was a short silence before my father spoke again. "I must admit when I got the call from you I wasn't expecting the leader of the Shie Hassaikai to be so young."

I'm sorry... leader from where??? Great yet another gang of some sort...

"I just can't seem to comprehend why your trying to sell off your own daughter." Overhaul asked bluntly.

Tell me about it mate....that makes two of us...

I felt a hand touch my leg and couldn't help but flinch.


"Looks like you are awake." Overhaul said moving his hand off me.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to see who this Overhaul guy was. I was met with a plague mask sticking out close to my face.

Great, this guy looks just as insane as my father...

"You don't have to do this, really." I said softly so he could hear.

Maybe he could be reasoned with...

"I don't have a useful quirk, I'm sure there are plenty other women out there with more compatible quirks than me. My fathers a liar my quirks glitchy." I tried to plead with him.

"You might be right, but it's so hard to find a seller when your father owns the marked doll." He said turning to face my father.

Ahhhhh fuck .... who woulda guessed selling women was a marked dominated by my father...... eww

"You have yourself a deal, however I'll have my own doctors deal with the formalities." Overhaul said shaking my fathers hand.

"Hmm I would prefer to keep her, but I'm willing to let her go for the right price of course." He chuckled.

"Dad! Really?" I asked trying to turn my head and face him. "Please don't do this."

Surely he must have some kind of guilty conscious about doing this to his own daughter... right?

My father pulled the chair up so that I was back upright and crouched down in front of me. "If there's one thing you can learn from this whole experience (F/N), it's that blood isn't always as thick as water." He said with a smirk.

Is water a euphemism for money?? Cause thanks dad great lesson...

"I'll triple what I was going to give you." Overhaul said to my father.

"That's more like it." My father said getting up from in front of me and walking over to Overhaul.

And just like that I'm sold... thanks dad...

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