Chapter 46 - Getting a Fix

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A/N: Just a warning this chapter and the next have some drug reference and use in it.

Please don't do drugs, they are bad... (F/N) is about to find that out firsthand.


My arm didn't move as I aimed the gun at the mans head. "Unless you wanna end up like your boss here, i would put your hands up." I smirked unphased by the person I just killed in front of me.

My finger hovered over the trigger as my eyes locked with his. His face filled with fear as I continued to grin. I could feel myself slipping.

Wait... did I enjoy that?...

He slowly raised his hands in defeat and dropped to his knees. "I'm sorry, please don't kill me."

His begging seemed to snap me back from my blood thirsty trance. I jumped taking a step back from the dead body and dropped the gun cupping my hands over my mouth.

What have I done...

I stumbled over to Jas who was still laying on the bed. Her eyes were heavy like she had been drugged.

"Jas...?" I said lightly touching her face with my hand.

She didn't even flinch to my touch. "I need... I need to find (F/N)..." she said softly with her eyes still half closed.

"Jas it's me, I'm here. Everything's going to be okay." I smiled at her.

I cupped her face in my hands and noticed the tears fall from my cheeks down onto hers.

"She's... she's been kidnapped... I need to find her... she wouldn't just leave me like that." She mumbled.

She's been looking for me this whole time?... this really is all my fault...

I turned and noticed the other men begin to come into the room.

Fuck we have to leave... now...

I wrapped my arms under Jas's back and lifted her up to me pressing her to my chest. I closed my eyes and activated my quirk.

When I opened them we were at my old apartment... Jasmine's apartment. It gave me a wave of memories of a better time. I laid her down on her bed and pulled out my phone. I dialled a number and let it ring.

"Hello, what's your emergency." The person on the other line asked.

I sniffled though my tears. "My friend, she's been drugged."

"Okay what's your address? We will send an ambulance over immediately."

After telling them my address I hung the phone up, against her instructions.

I kissed Jas on the forehead. "I'm so sorry you got caught up in this Jas. Please, just please stay home." I whispered into her forehead.

I closed my eyes one last time and activated my quirk. When I opened them I realised it didn't work this time. This must have been my limit.

I let out a sigh and walked out the front door. I felt empty. I just killed someone, with my own hands, sure I had asked Dabi to kill someone before. But this was different. This was me who pulled the trigger. Not to mention I might have just fucked things with Dabi after kissing Chase.

I walked aimlessly through the streets, subconsciously walking to Dabi's. However before I made it there I spotted a chemist with a small skull symbol out the front.

I paused for a moment and studied it. I reached for my wallet and opened it. I still had a fair bit of cash from back when I emptied my bank. I walked inside and stood at the pharmacy counter.

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