Chapter 91 - Remember to forget me

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The man frowned and painfully looked away as he clenched his fists.

Damaged me?... but he's a doctor?.... I don't get it...

"You've gotta let her go man, I promise I'll watch out for her." Hawks said pushing out a wing to cover me so I couldn't see him anymore. "Let her go." He said to the man.

Why is hawks promising to look out for me... wait ... He kinda looks like one of those villains from tv... why would I know him... let me go?... wait I must know him... why can't I remember...

"Whatever," he said turning away to leave again.

"That's not fair!" I yelled out pulling Hawks wing down. "If you know me then please, just tell me what's going on. What happened to me?"

He ignored me and kept walking, for some reason it hurt.

"Please! What did I do wrong? You do know me, don't you! Then please....." I dropped to my knees and steadied myself on the ground.

"You didn't do anything wrong." He said softly.

That sentence... his voice... sounds familiar... maybe..

"Hawks is right, your better off not remembering me. Goodbye." He said disappearing back into the dark alley.

And just like that he was gone, the only person who might have known what I was going through, who might have known me. Gone...

"Sorry to put you through that." Hawks said helping me up off the floor. "I really thought you might be able to remember something if you saw him."

I looked back over my shoulder to see if the man was truely gone. "Who was he?" I asked turning back to Hawks.

"No one, just a doctor." He smiled.

Why do I feel like your lying to me Hawks...

We got back inside my apartment and I plonked myself back down on the couch. Hawks looked at me with worry.

"Ugh you mentioned you got asked to go out for drinks on Saturday?" Hawks said breaking the awkward silence between us. "You should go." He said with a smile.

I frowned and looked down at my hands. "What's the point? I'm living some kind of fake life. You want me to just smile and pretend I haven't forgotten about everyone that meant shit to me. Everyone that gave a damn about me." I let out a grunt. "You know what, fine I'll go. And I'll have fun. Now can you please leave."

"Sorry Amber, get some rest yeah." Hawks said as he left.

The rest of the week dragged on and I couldn't help but think of that man I met in the alley. How did I know him, why did I know him. Maybe we were friends? Lovers? Enemies? I wasn't sure. But I couldn't stop thinking about him.

His eyes, they were beautiful. It almost looked like they might glow, wouldn't that be nice if they did.

I looked up at the clock on my wall.

"Shit I'm going to be late if I don't get ready now, I wonder how I'll get to the bar. It's not too far maybe I'll just walk." I said out loud as I got ready.

I wore I nice black dress and a cute pair of matching heels.

I wonder if I used to wear stuff like this... does this colour dress even suit me?...

I looked at myself in the mirror.

It's missing something...

I walked over to a jewellery box on the counter and looked through it. Apparently this was all my stuff, hell if I remember liking any of this.

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