Chapter 17 - Truth or Dare?

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The rest of the week flew by and Friday night came around. Jasmine wanted to take me out for a few drinks to celebrate my new job and moving on from Alex. I thought this was exactly what I needed and besides I didn't have to work till Monday.

The whole night though I couldn't help but feel like someone was following us....

"Okay take the shot on three!" Jasmine said holding the shot to her lips and pushing mine up to my own.

"One!" I yelled turning to face her with my shot ready.

"Two!" She yelled giving me a smirk.

"Three!" We both yelled downing the shot and slamming the empty glasses down on the bar.

"Lesss danceee." I slurred grabbing Jasmines hands and pulling her to the dance floor.

I just wanted to forget about Alex and Dabi for one night and let go.

We were dancing for a while when Jasmine noticed a couple of men watching us from the bar.

"Hey look at your 2oclock." She whispered into my ear.

I spun around in the wrong direction looking at the people dancing.

"No your other 2" she said grabbing my shoulders and pointing me in the direction of the men at the bar.

We were both swaying from the amount of alcohol we had but we knew we were still going to drink more.

"How about we score us some free drinks." She whispered in my ear.

I turned around to face her. "That's the Jas I missed the other night!" I said grabbing her hand and dragging her to the bar.

We got to the bar and Jasmine lent over to the counter arching her back and sticking her ass out. Her dress slid up exposing her thigh more and she flicked the side of her hair up and curling it around her fingers.

I forgot how good at this she was... I was totally out of practice. The men were completely in awe of her performance as she was about to order us a drink.

I awkwardly stood behind her for a moment before I came and stood next to her. I placed a hand over her waist and put my lips to her ear. "They can't stop looking at you." I giggled swaying slightly.

Jasmine pushed off the bar and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Hey guys, wanna grab us girls a drink." She said flicking them a wink.

The men looked at each other before one of the spoke. "Sure, but how about you two play a little game with us." He said signalling the bar tender to get us some drinks.

"And what game would that be?" Jasmine said resting her head against mine.

"How about a little truth or dare game." The other man said getting up from his seat.

"Sure." Jasmine said before I could decline.

"Jas are you sure? We are pretty drunk." I said in her ear.

She just gave me a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"We will have a shot of (your favourite shot) each and a (your favourite alcoholic drink) each too." Jasmine said with a smile.

The men bought the drinks and we walked to the table. Jasmine and I walked hand in hand behind the men. I wanted to tell her I had a bad feeling about this but she seemed to be pretty into one of them.

We got the the table and went to sit, one side had a booth style seat the other was just two chairs. We both go to sit next to each other when one of the guys pulls me into the booth first. Jasmine sat opposite me. I was staring to get a bit worried.

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