Chapter 54 - Christmas 🎄

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Shit!... how did he know that...

"I thought you could only show me things with your quirk?." I asked quickly panicking that Chase just found out about the pregnancy from me.

He smirked. "My quirks mind manipulation, I can read your mind as well as show you stuff."

"Eww stay outta my head." I cringed.

He chuckled. "Yeah your thoughts are pretty explicit aren't they. Your mad at Dabi yet your pretty keen on fucking him again. The details you go into are pretty vivid."

"No I'm not! Stay the fuck outta my head!" I yelled trying to kick him off me.

"Tell ya what, lets cut a deal." He said sitting up on me.

I really don't have a choice now he knows Ren's pregnant right?... oh wait I hate her...

"I'm listening." I said as I stopped kicking him.

"The Fangs have a club in the city. Meet me there in a couple of days at midnight. I'll find out where your father is and I'll tell you what I know about your quirk." He said as he got off me.

Okay this was odd.

"And what's the catch? What's my end of the deal?" I asked as I got up and grabbed the gun off the floor.

"I'll tell you when we meet up. Unless you want me to start spreading that little bit of info around. I'm sure the Liberation army would be pretty interested." He said turning around and walking away from me.


I closed my eyes and activated my quirk. When I opened them I was in my new bedroom. I took Dabi's jacket off and threw it on the floor. I walked out onto the balcony and sat on the chair lifting my feet to sit on the hand rail and let out a huge sigh.

"Rough day sis?" Toga asked as the sun set behind her.

I looked over to the balcony next to me and saw her standing there with a smile.

I chuckled. "You don't know the half of it." I said flinging my head back.

We watched the sun set for a moment.

"Oh have you seen Dabi?" I asked remembering I had no idea where I teleported him to.

She tilted her head and thought for a moment. "I heard him knocking on your door earlier. He sounded angrier than usual."

"Oh good." I said with a smile.

Toga chuckled. "What are you doing tomorrow?" She asked leaning over the balcony.

She could almost just jump over onto mine, maybe she was just waiting for an invitation.

"Nothing I guess. Wait, trying not to get killed and not fuck Dabi again. You know, just the usual." I said giving her a wink.

"Oh it's just, it's Christmas tomorrow." She smirked.

Is it?... nahhh can't be...

"Is it? Ohh what are you up to tomorrow?" I asked.

She hummed. "Mmm nothing."

There was another awkward silence.

"Wanna do nothing together?" I laughed watching her try not to be interested in Christmas.

A grin grew across her face and she jumped over her balcony onto mine. "Sure! That sounds great! Maybe the others are doing nothing too!" She squealed excitedly.

I let out a groan. "Ughhh Toga! I'm trying to avoidddd Dabi not hang out with him."

"Oh." She said disappointed. "I was thinking we could get everyone together to play a drinking game tomorrow night. But that's okay."

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