Chapter 37 - Daddy Issues 🍋

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"My quirks not working, can't you just get us out of here the way you got here?" I asked grabbing onto Dabi'a arms incase he was going somewhere.

He raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you get me here?" He asked slightly confused.

"Nope, I need to be touching you remember." I said thinking back to what my dad said about my quirk.

He said I didn't know what my quirk was... maybe there's more to it... perhaps it was me that got Dabi here... I was just thinking about Dabi... nah I couldn't have done that... could I?

Dabi's lips pressed against my forehead snapping me back to earth. "Take us home babe, then you can tell me what happened." He said softly against my head.

I closed my eyes and gripped onto Dabi taking a deep breath in. I held the air in for a while before letting it out and opening my eyes.

I looked around and I was in Dabi's room again.

I pulled him down so I could hug him more. My arms wrapped around him and my head buried into his chest. I was a blubbering mess at this point but I didn't care. Feeling so safe in Dabi's arms just confirmed that I should be here.

I hadn't realised how much I was shaking until I was holding onto Dabi.

He helped me up and sat me down on the couch. "So you gonna tell me what the fuck happened, how did you get in that police station? Heck, how did I get there? You went out to get food yesterday and never came back." He chuckled.

It was only yesterday... it felt like days ago... is he fucking laughing... he wasn't even fucking worried.

I felt myself start to get angry.

"I went out looking for you, but I had a feeling you ran away." He said softly. "I thought it was too good to be true, you left just like everyone else."

"You really thought I would just up and leave you like that?" I asked slightly upset.

Wait did he give up on looking for me so quickly??

He shrugged. "I dono what goes through that pretty little head of yours. Plus I know your keeping stuff from me, maybe if you told me the whole truth I could actually help you." He said bluntly.

I let out a sigh and sunk my head. He was right, if I had only told him what I found on those guns the other day and told him something about me instead of trying to find out more about him maybe he would have known. But wait I literally just found out my dad is the leader of the Fangs.

"My father was the one that put the bounty out for me. He's the head of the Fangs, I had no idea I swear. He just wanted to sell me off to someone cause I apparently have this amazing quirk that I don't know how to use." I said with a huff. "Then the hero's burst in and arrested them."

Dabi just stared at me with a blank expression.

"Sooooo like, are you okay?" Dabi asked sounding somewhat concerned.

I just looked at him.

"NO! NO IM NOT FUCKING OKAY!" I yelled grabbing my hair. "DO I LOOK FUCKING OKAY? You just assumed I left and gave up on me." I said angrily.

But really what am I expecting... he said he doesn't do relationships ...

He folded his arms. "Look (F/N), I'm not some hero who's going to come rescue you if you keep getting yourself into shitty situations. Don't get me wrong, I like this arrangement we have going on and I'm happy for people to know your mine. But you need to start looking after yourself."

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