Chapter 53 - Revenge

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No girl!... you gotta get a grip!!!!.. how does Dabi have this much control over me!!! Ughh I hate him...

I felt more and more flustered as I continued to check out Dabi's fit body.

Wait is he gonna get burnt without this jacket?...

He leaned past me and walked out into the hallway. He quickly extended an arm in both directions of the hallway shooting blue flames down them. I could hear the men scream as Dabi ducked back into the cover with me.

The heat was so intense even with the jacket. My face felt like it was on fire. Dabi saw I was still feeling the force of his flames and stood in front of me shielding me from the waves of heat.

It was still a pretty tight space but he managed to keep a small amount of room between us. I couldn't help but wish I was touching his chest though.

Dabi didn't bother to look at me, since he was taller he just looked over me and occasionally looked behind him to check the fire. I just continued to stare at his chest. I could make out his abs through his top. I've seen him naked but this was different, it's like he was flexing on purpose.

I just wanna run my hands down his chest and ... wait what am I thinking... no!... I don't want to do that at all...

Without me even realising it one hand had reached out and was almost going to touch his chest when I quickly batted it away with my other hand like a psycho.

Fuck that was close... that would have looked odd...

I looked up and saw Dabi now looking down on me with a smirk after just watching me almost touch him.

He moved his chest forward slightly. "Come on babe, our bodies need each other don't they."

Yes you sexy beast.. yes they do!... wait no!..

My body felt like it practically answered him. It shivered and I felt a pulse deep down in my core.

No body... you need to get your shit there's like at least 9 dead bodies out there...eww...

"No they don't." I said as my voice quivered slightly.

He smirked and gently grabbed my hand that had reached back up to him without me even noticing. My body seemed to give in and let him move it. He pressed it to the top of his chest and ran it down across his abs that were covered by his shirt.

He let go of my hand as it traced over his abs. I wanted him so bad... wait no I didn't. My fingers continued to run down his chest and eventually stopped at his belt buckle.

"What the fuck happened here?" We heard a voice say.

This seemed to snap me out of my Dabi trance and I retracted my hand quickly.

"Fucking Chase." Dabi said turning around as the blue flames had subsided.

My hand was almost shaking from the contact it had just had with Dabi's body.

Omg girl you gotta snap out of it... yes Dabi is hot... no we do not want him...right now... no wait we don't want him at all...

I drew the gun that was in my back pocket and loaded it. Dabi walked out and held a hand up towards Chase as a blue flame formed in it.

"Wait!" I yelled running out with the gun.

The jacket dragged along the ground as I ran out. I stood in front of Dabi and Chase with my gun aimed at Chase's head.

"Where's my father?" I asked bluntly. "Also nice to see you finally found a shirt..." I said quickly noticing this time he was fully clothed this time.

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