Chapter 5 - Job Interview? 🍋

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I swiftly grab his hand trying to pull it down. "Are you crazy? People will see." I said loud enough for him to hear me over the music.

"Look around, these people are either too drunk or don't care babe." He said with a grin pulling his hand free to continue where he had left off. "Besides I thought you were a bit of a bad girl." He said pressing his lips into my ear.

Why am I letting this guy have his way with me again. He is pretty cute though, but also seems like a bit of bad news. Maybe that's why I'm getting so turned on.

He used his free hand to pin my shoulder to the corner of the walls and roughly nips my earlobe while he trails his mouth down to my neck sucking it. I let out a pleasurable moan into his ear and kink my neck to the side giving him more room.

His other hand still gently stroking two fingers over my panties. He started to feel the panties get wet and pressed his thumb over my clit applying a bit of pressure. He pulls up from my neck and noticed I was biting my bottom lip trying not to moan.

He continued his movement with his fingers and started to play with the sides of the panties just for a tease. My breathing started to get rough and I place a hand on his chest feeling his tight muscles underneath. I pulled him into a kiss and started to make out with him. This helped stop me from moaning out loud.

Without warning he slowly slipped the two fingers into me and started to pump them in and out. His thumb continued to apply pressure to my clit.

I let out a moan into his mouth while we continued to make out messily pulling the back of each other's hair. He let go of my hair but continued the kiss and I felt his breathing getting faster. He pulled the hand on my chest down to his crotch and I felt his erection hanging out of the fly in his pants.

My heart started racing, what if someone saw us... but I was too caught in the ecstasy of the moment, it just felt too good.

His fingers started to go faster inside me when I started to pump him. He pushed my dress up further to give his hand more room and pinned my legs apart with his. We held this position for a while both playing with each other while making out. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second and I started to feel his precum run from the tip down over my fingers.

I was trying to hold out I didn't want to be the first one to cave and ask for it. I wanted it to be him this time.

Maybe he needs a bit of persuasion.

I pull away from the kiss and lean into his ear pulling my tongue across his lobe. "I know you can feel how wet I am." I tried to say as seductively as I could. "Tell me you want it, and it's yours." I said trying to coax the words out of him.

His breathing increased again and I felt his erection start to throb in my hand. "Your something else, you know that." He said pulling his fingers out of me and grabbing onto my panties pulling them to the side. I let go of him and steadied myself on the wall.

I could hear his breathing still fast in my ear, I wanted him so bad but I needed to hear him say it.

"Your gonna wish you never met me." He said as he thrust himself into me. I let out a load moan into his ear and he covered my mouth with his hands pushing my head back into the wall in the process.

He looked down and watched himself as he continued a steady rhythm inside me. My head was still pinned back on the wall so I couldn't see much. He was right though, no one even noticed.

He slammed me into the wall and I could barely keep my feet touching the ground. Each thrust felt like I was getting pinned higher onto the wall.

He looked up at me still holding his hand over my mouth as he slipped a finger into my mouth.

"Suck it." He said softly so I could only kinda lip read him.

I never really got why guys thought this was a sexy thing but I went along with it anyway. I'm a team player.

I took a hand off the wall and grabbed his hand so I could suck on his finger better pushing it in and out. I rolled my tongue over it before letting out a small moan. I pushed his finger in really deep before pulling it out and wiping my lips.

I could tell this was getting him off by the look on his face, but I knew I could say something that would send him over the edge.

I pull his head over so my lips were once again in his ear. "If that's what I could do to your finger, imagine what I could do to your cock."  I said seductively squeezing his ass in the process.

I felt him twitch inside me and I knew he was about to cum. His last few pumps became faster and he held himself inside of me. I felt myself climax at the same time and we both hold our position slightly sweaty from the session.

"Fuckin hell." He said out of breath as he put himself away and zipped his pants.

I was just as equally out of breath and fixed my panties and pulled my dress down. I pushed past him to leave the club. He quickly grabbed my arm before I left.

"Going already?" He said still out of breath.

"Text me if you hear of any jobs yeah," I said playing hard to get as I walked out of the club.

Boom that's how you leave a man wanting more. I thought as I left the club and waited for my Uber.

I go straight to bed once I get home.


I awoke the next morning amazingly without a hangover. I sat on the couch with a blanket over me and started watching TV.

"You better not be like that when I get home." Jasmine said leaving for work with a wave.

"I won't." I said channel surfing.

8 hours later Jasmine retuned.

"You didn't move!" She said opening the door and coming inside.

"No I did," I said defensively holding up a tub of ice cream. "This ice cream didn't get itself."

"Wow, come on I know life's shit at the moment but you need to at least look for a job." She said going into her room to get changed. "A jobs not just going to fall into your lap ya know.

"Yeah I know." I said rolling my eyes.

Suddenly my phone pings and I look at the message.

Hot guy I had sex with again: Hey, still need a job?

Me: omg seriously yes!
Me: wait it's not like sex work is it?

Hot guy I had sex with again: haha no, it's proper work.

Me: well yeah, don't leave me hanging what is it?

Hot guy I had sex with again: meet me in the alley near the casino off Noga street. Ya know that fancy place. 8pm be there.

Me: oh yeah totally I'll be there. What do I wear?

Hot guy I had sex with again: Something like what you wore the other night, make it slutty.

Me: hey I didn't look slutty the other night!

I look at my phone and realise he was done talking to me, eh.

"I actually have a job interview tomorrow afternoon at the fancy casino off Noga street." I said proudly not actually knowing what I was getting myself into.

"Really (F/N), that's awesome. Can't wait to hear how you go." She said heading in to have a shower.

"Hmm me too." I said scrolling through my phone.

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