Chapter 3 - Pawn not Porn

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"Should I even ask what your doing in a shady alley behind a cafe?" I asked trying to move my head that had been pinned to the door.

Dabi laughed and slowly let me go. "Wow, you sound different sober, much less fun. I thought you wouldn't be able to walk today."

"Yeah I'm still hungover thanks for asking, hence the fast pace toilet run, now if you'll excuse me." I said putting the key into the bathroom lock.

He laughed again slamming a hand on the door closing it so I wouldn't go inside. "I wasn't talking about how drunk you were." He said running a hand up the inside of my thigh.

Ehhh he's talking about the sex... someone's got a big ego. God this vomits gonna come up.

"Woahhhh there!" I said quickly spinning around pushing his hand away. "Unless you want to be covered in last nights shots I suggest you let me vomit."

He chuckled again taking a step back and letting me go into the toilets. After a couple of minutes I wash my face at the sink gargling some water to help clear out the vomit taste and head outside.

To my surprise Dabi was no longer standing there.

"Thank god." I said as I started walking back to the cafe.

I returned the key and sat back down with Jasmine.

"That took a while are you okay? I think your foods cold." She said looking down at her empty plate and over to my full one.

"Oh yeah, sorry still must be hungover. This food should help though." I said looking down at the food.

I slowly ate the meal stopping every time I felt a wave of sickness. We finished and head back to our apartment.

"I still can't believe Alex cheated on you." Jasmine said shaking her head as we walked.

"I know right, you think you know a guy." I said with a huff.

"He's a pretty well known hero I'm sure if you sell your story to a reporter you could make some money. Plus you could drag his name through the mud." She said with an evil chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm not about all that though." I said playing with my necklace.

"You would rather drink your sorrows away?" She asked quietly.

"I guess," I said stopping as we get to the apartment door.

We both head inside and I called it a day to catch up on some more sleep.


The next day I felt like a new person. I got dressed and grabbed the engagement ring I had placed on my bedside table. Alex has chosen it himself and it was the only thing left of his that I had.

I skip past the living room and into the kitchen quickly grabbing a bite to eat.

"Wow someone's chirpy today." Jasmine said sitting in the couch watching TV.

"Yeah gurl, imma pawn this!" I said throwing her the engagement ring.

"Shit for real?" She asked fumbling it before she finally caught it.

"Yup, it's gonna help me get over him." I said rubbing my chin.

I think...

"Oh did you see this?" Jasmine said throwing me the ring back and pointing to the Tv.

I turn my head in interest and listen to the reporter.

The league of villains are at it again this time robbing a bank on the corner of Fuko street yesterday afternoon.

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