Chapter 74 - Distraction 🍋

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I couldn't stop myself, I continued to take my shirt off and threw in to the floor next to my jacket.

I reached around and began to unclip the strap on the back of my bra when the door opened. Dabi and Twice walked in with a confused look on their faces.

Dabi ran over to me and quickly pulled my arms away from my back so I wouldn't take my bra off. "(F/N) what the hell are you doing?" Dabi asked.

"Yeah, Toga why are you on the floor? Did you die again?" Twice yelled checking to see if Toga was okay.

The mention of my name snapped me out of the trance I was in. "That bitch!" I yelled quickly trying to cover my chest.

Dabi removed his jacket and pulled it over me. "Should I even ask why your stripping your clothes of and why Toga's bowed down on the floor?" He chuckled as he secured the jacket around me.

What the hell did she do to us... I couldn't move and then I just did what she told me too...

"She made us do that, it was her quirk." Toga said as Twice had snapped her out of her trance.

"Who?" Dabi asked.

"Temper bitch." I said pretty pissed off.

"Temptress?" Twice asked. "Re-Destro was just telling us about some of their members. Gotta say she looked smokin, we walked past her just before. She's nothing compared to you though Toga!" He babbled.

I grunted. "Ugh promise me you won't talk to her." I said turning to Dabi like a crazy overprotective girlfriend.

He quickly avoided eye contact with me. "Ehhh that might be a little hard babe."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"We're in the same regiment." He said like I knew what that was.

I gave him a blank expression.

"(F/N) I swear to god if you ask me what a regiment is..." Dabi said rolling his eyes.

"Ehhhhhhh...." I paused myself and tried to focus.

I looked over to Toga for help.

"You remember Shigaraki said because our numbers are so big now we needed to be sectioned off into smaller groups. Regiments he called em, it's okay though sis he put you with Dabi." She winked.

"Oh those," I said pretending to remember that conversation.

Why am I so forgetful.... maybe I should pay more attention...

"How about we continue this little strip tease in private." Dabi whispered to me as he let go of the jacket around me.

"Eww" Toga chuckled clearly hearing Dabi.

Twice chuckled along with Toga. "Yeah eww. Wait can we join?"

I knelt down and picked up my shirt and jacket from the floor still pissed of about what just happened with that lady.

Dabi's phone went off as I stood back up. It was in his jacket pocket that I was wearing. He let out a grunt and pulled me into him searching the pockets for his phone, groping me as he did so.

When he found it he checked it and let out a louder sigh. "Actually babe I might need to take a rain check, unless you have the next few hours spare." He grunted annoyed.

I rubbed my fingers over my chin. "I suppose I can clear my busy schedule to help you." I smirked at the end. "Wait, before I say yes, what am I getting myself into?"

He shock his head. "Too late you already said you were free, besides I need you for transport." He said waving his hand in the air while he walked away.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now